• Discuss important issues about fuel availability, fuels used, time spent and distance travelled to
collect fire wood and where firewood is collected.
• Find somebody among the participants who knows the village well, both the present and the past
conditions and who is willing to share the knowledge. Encourage others to air their views on this
• Discuss the time period to be covered, for example, before and after independence. Use the dates
to compare situations during that period and the present.
• Let the participants decide which method to use to present the trend. Pieces of wood, stones,
leaves could be used to show the trend, i.e., 10 stones to represent a certain period, and 5 stones
• Discuss to cross-check the information
Scarcity of fuelwood and other energy sources should
be discussed
Example 2: Resource changes within the community
• To identify changes in fuel wood sources over time
• People draw a map of their own community showing key general features indicating where fuel is
collected, bought or grown. I should also indicate who controls land.
• Either draw another map, or mark on the same one, to show where they use to get fuel in the past.
• Let them indicate where they think they will get fuel in the future.
• Discuss reasons for any changes.
Example 3: Energy and work in the household
• To establish the implications of the division of labour in the household on the energy needs.
• Discuss with participants and identify the activities undertaken in the daily lives of the household