The Household Energy Regional (HER) Project’s objective is to build the capacity of agencies in the East
African region to implement effective household energy activities, by providing technical advice and
facilitating information sharing. One of the strategies undertaken to achieve that objective is to develop a
training manual and other materials to support energy activities. The development of the manual is a result
of the recommendations made during the 1996 project review and mid-term evaluation. It is aimed at
strengthening the efforts of the project and complementing the training materials offered by the project.
Sustainability of activities is a key issue in community development projects carried out by Intermediate
Technology. To achieve that purpose, the training manual is developed and prepared in a way that will
provide users with the necessary skills on energy planning, implementation and monitoring of energy
activities and how they impact on gender. The manual provides clear gender-focused monitoring and
evaluation indicators which guide the user in establishing the implications of energy interventions on the
roles, rights and responsibilities of the communities.