Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus
1.1: History of Operating Systems Page What Is an Operating System?

Watch this video from 1:09:27 to the end. This video gives a nice overview of operating systems.

URL History of Operating Systems

Read this article. 

1.2: Operating System Structure Page OS History, Services, and Structure

Watch this lecture.

1.2.1: Abstract Computer Component Overview URL Computer System Overview

Read this article.

1.2.2: Functional Overview URL What Is an Operating System?

Read these 7 slides.

1.3: Different Operating Systems Overview URL Different Operating Systems

Read this page and click on the links for more information on specific operating systems.

1.3.1: 32-Bit vs. 64-Bit OS URL 32-bit and 64-bit Explained

Read this article.

URL 32-bit and 64-bit Frequently Asked Questions

Read these questions and answers.

1.3.2: UNIX-based URL The Unix Operating System: Mature, Standardized and State-of-the-Art

Read this white paper. Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) URL What Is Linux?

Read this article. Solaris URL Solaris

Read this article for an overview of the operating systems Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10, and OpenSolaris.

1.3.3: Windows URL Microsoft Windows

Read this article for a good overview of the Windows operating system.

1.3.4: Mobile URL iOS (Apple)

Read this article.

URL Android

Read this article.

URL Windows Phone

Read this article.

1.3.5: Real-Time File Introduction to Real-Time Systems

Read this article, which will give you a good overview of real-time systems.

File Real-time Operating Systems and Microkernels

Read this article for a good overview of real-time operating systems.

File Embedded System Software

Read this article for a good synopsis of many of the commercial real-time operating systems.

URL VxWorks

Read this article.


Read this article.

2.1: Concurrency Page Concurrency: Processes, Threads, and Address Spaces

Watch this video, which will be an introduction to Unit 2 and will touch on all topics outlined in this unit.

URL Concurrency

Read this handout.

2.2: Processes Page Processes

Watch this video.

URL Processes and Process Management

Read these lecture notes.

URL The Process Concept

Read these slides.

2.3: Threads URL A Brief Introduction to Threads

Read this article.

URL Threads and Concurrency

Read these slides.

Page Threads

Watch this video.

URL More on Threads

Read this page.

2.4: Context Switch URL Context Switching

Read this article.

URL Context Switches

Read this article.

URL Processes and Threads

Read slides 4 through 10.

URL Putting the P in Threads

Read this article.

3.1: Synchronization: Relevance and Problems Page Synchronization

Watch this lecture.

URL Introduction to Synchronization

Read chapter 1 on pages 1–6.

3.2: Race Conditions URL Introduction to Race Conditions

Read these slides.

3.3: Semaphores Page Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Monitors, and Condition Variables

Watch this lecture.

URL Semaphores

Read chapter 2 on pages 7–9 and chapter 4 on pages 61–120.

URL Java Semaphores

Read this page.

Page Programming Paradigms

Watch this lecture.

URL Monitors and Condition Variables

Read this document.

4.1: Scheduling General Objective Page Thread Scheduling

Watch the first lecture from 54:30 to the end, and watch the second lecture until 31:00.

URL CPU Scheduling

Read this document.

4.2: Goals URL More on CPU Scheduling

Read these notes.

4.3: Types URL Types of CPU Scheduling

Read the first seven slides.

4.4: Algorithms URL Scheduling Algorithms

Read these slides.

Unit 4 Exercises and Assessment URL CPU Scheduling Simulation Exercises

Complete both parts of the CPU scheduling simulations. You will need to have Java Installed on your computer. Follow all of the instructions provided. Your results should match the answers provided in the answer keys for Part 1 and Part 2.

5.1: Definition Page Deadlock

Watch the first lecture starting at 52:40, and watch the second lecture until 43:15.

URL Deadlock

Read these lecture notes.

5.2: Deadlock Prevention and Avoidance URL Operating Systems

Read slides 10 through 16.

URL Banker's Algorithm Problem Set

Read through the review of the Banker's Algorithm if you need to review the way that the algorithm works. Complete both exercises and check your answers against the answer key.

5.3: Deadlock Detection and Recovery URL Deadlock

Read this document.

URL Deadlock Simulation Lab

Complete this lab. All instructions are included for downloading and running the simulator. Compare the results of your experiments to the answer key.

6.1: Overview of Memory Management URL Memory Management

Read these slides.

6.1.1: Memory Hierarchy URL Overview of Memory Hierarchy

Read this page.

6.1.2: OS Interaction with Memory Levels URL Paging

Read the first seven slides.

6.1.3: Virtual Memory URL Virtual Memory

Read these notes.

Page More on Virtual Memory

Watch this lecture.

6.2: Allocating Memory URL Memory Management

Read these notes.

URL Memory Management Simulation

Complete this assignment. You can check your answers against the answer key.

6.3: Memory Access URL Segmentation

Read these notes.

URL Intel Memory Management

Read this document.


Read this article.

URL Paging and Memory Access

Read these notes.

7.1: Introduction to File Systems URL File Systems and Disk Management

Read this document.

Page File Systems

Watch this lecture.

URL File System Management

Read these notes.

7.2: File Allocation Methods URL File Management

Read this page and  be sure to complete the simulations for each type of file management.

URL The File System

Read these slides.

7.3: Disk Management Algorithms URL File Systems and Disk Management

Read these slides.

Page Queueing Models

Watch the first lecture starting at 1:00:25, and watch the second lecture until 60:00.

URL Disk Scheduling

Read slides 4 through 15.

Unit 7 Activities URL Disk Scheduling Simulation Lab

Complete both parts of the lab. Compare your results to the second part with those contained in the answer key.

URL File System Simulation Lab

Follow all directions and complete the laboratory. Save your results to a Word document as instructed and compare your results to the answer key.

URL Disk Management Algorithms Exercises

Review the material on disk management algorithms. Complete all problems. For problems 1 and 3, it might be easiest to use a spreadsheet to track the movement of the disk head as well as to calculate the number of cylinders moved. Compare your results with the answer key.

8.1: Introduction to Security Page Introduction to Security

Watch this video.

URL Protection and Security

Read this document.

URL More on Security

Read this document.

8.2: Malicious Software Overview URL Malware: Viruses and Worms

Read these notes.

URL Bots and Botnets

Read these notes.

8.3: Security Techniques URL Protection

Read this page.

URL Security Strategies

Read this page.

Page Security Techniques

Watch these lectures.

URL Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Read this publication up to the end of Chapter 3.

9.1: Introduction Page Introduction to Networks

Watch this lecture.

URL Computer Networking

Read this introduction.

Page More on Networking

Watch this lecture.

9.2: Protocol Architecture Page Layering and the Link Layer

Watch this lecture.

9.3: The Reference Models URL Computer Networking

Read this section.

URL TCP/IP Networking

Read these slides.

URL An Overview of TCP/IP Protocols and the Internet

Read this section.

Page Animation of the OSI Model

Watch this animation.

Page Introduction to the OSI Model

Watch this video.

9.4: Network Intrusion Detection URL Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Read chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Study Guide Book CS401 Study Guide

This study guide will help you get ready for the final exam. It discusses the key topics in each unit, walks through the learning outcomes, and lists important vocabulary terms. It is not meant to replace the course materials!

Course Feedback Survey URL Course Feedback Survey