Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus
1.1: Work Environment Page The Customer Service Workplace

Read this article on the customer service workplace. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

Page Marketing Fundamentals

Watch this video, which summarizes the fundamentals of marketing terminology and practices. Many of the terms and concepts are deeply rooted in the foundations and traditions of customer service. Please pay extra attention to the key concepts of "The Four Ps" of the marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion. These topics are critical when defining customer demographics and the methods to connect with them. You may read along with the transcript linked here.

1.2: Creating Favorable Impressions Page Creating Favorable Impressions

Read this article on how to create favorable impressions with the customers you serve. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

Page Communication Appeals and Tactics

Watch this video, which presents basic appeals and tactics for effective communications. How do you win someone's attention, and what do you do if you manage to catch it? You may read along with the transcript linked here.

1.3: Understanding Customers' Needs and Wants Page Understanding the Customer

Read this article on how to understand a customer's needs and wants. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

URL Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions

Read this chapter, which discusses consumers' decision-making process and examines the situational, personal, psychological, and societal factors that influence their buying decisions.

Page Who Are Your Publics?

Watch this video on publics and demographics. Among the most important aspects of communication is forming a clear picture of just whom the targeted audience is. This video describes key publics, demographics, and segments we should identify early in our communication planning.You may read along with the transcript linked here.

1.4: Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal Page Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Read this article on communicating with the customer both verbally and nonverbally. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

Page Effective Writing Skills

Watch this video for suggestions on how to improve your written communication skills immediately. Customer service professionals may spend lots of time writing reports and memos. This video discusses six tips on how to do it much better. You may also read along with the transcript linked here.

Page The Sixty-Second Elevator Pitch

Review these notes on how to prepare a 60-second elevator pitch.

Page Presentation Skills: What Makes a Great Elevator Speech?

Watch these two videos for more tips on how to create an elevator speech.

Page Professional Personal Presentation Skills

Review these notes for for tips on effective personal presentations.

Page Top 10 Tips for Business Presentations

Watch these three videos for tips on how to make a business presentation.

Unit 1 Activities URL Unit 1 Discussion

After you have reviewed this unit, please post and respond to the following topics on the community Discourse forum. Feel free to start your own posts and respond to those of other students.

  1. What sort of customer service job might you like to find? Would you prefer working in a face-to-face situation, or through a remote customer service center? What industry would you like to work in?
  2. Describe an interaction you've been involved with - either personal or professional. What steps did you take to make a favorable impression? How might you use the lessons from this unit to make even better impressions?
  3. As a customer, what needs and wants do you hope to have fulfilled by customer service providers? Do they match those covered in this unit?

URL Short Writing Exercise: The Customer Service Worker

Prepare a 300-500 word document as if you were the manager of a customer service department hiring new workers for your staff. Based on this unit's readings, what are the key traits and skills you would want to see in applicants as you choose whom to interview? Once you are done with the document, feel free to share it with other students in the discussion forum.

2.1: Professionalism in Difficult Situations Page Extraordinary Customer-Service Situations

Read this article on dealing with extraordinary customer-service situations. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

2.2: Dealing with Challenging Customers Page Handling Challenging Customers

Read this article on how to handle challenging customers. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to take time to investigate.

Page Dealing with Disruptive People

Watch this video for suggestions on how to deal with difficult people.

2.3: Dealing with Diverse Customers Page Working with Customer Diversity

Read this article on methods to work with customer diversity. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to take time to investigate.

Page Cross-Cultural Marketing Communications

Watch this video on international communication tactics, using themes and images that transcend cultural differences. English may connect us in the business place with a common language, but we still need to be sensitive to cultural differences. You may read along with the transcript linked here.

Unit 2 Activities URL Unit 2 Discussion

After you have reviewed this unit, please post and respond to the following topics on the discussion forum. Feel free to start your own posts and respond to those of other students.

  1. What are some examples of problems you or someone you know may have had with a company based on a faulty product or service? How did it get resolved?
  2. Consider a situation where you had to deal with an angry person. How did you handle it? What might you have done differently using some of the methods described in this unit?
  3. What sorts of diversity do you find in your immediate environment of family, friends, work, school, groups, and so on? How do you best interact with the differences in cultural backgrounds and behaviors?
URL Short Writing Exercise: The Customer Service Workplace

Prepare a 300-500 word document as if you were the manager of a customer service department orienting newly hired employees on aspects of dealing with challenging problems and difficult customers. Based on this unit's readings, what are some possible situations and tactics you would want the new employees to be prepared for as they start their job? Once you are done with the document, please post it to the linked discussion thread to share with and receive feedback from your classmates.

3.1: Customer Service and Telephone Skills Page Customer Service Telephone Skills

Read this article on customer service and telephone skills. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to take time to investigate.

3.2: Customer Service via E-mail and the Internet Page Customer Service through E-mail and the Internet

Read this article on customer service through e-mail and the internet. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to take time to investigate.

3.3: Teamwork Page Customer Service Teamwork

Read this article on effective customer service teamwork. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

3.4: Time, Stress, and Work Health Management Page Customer Service Worker Self Care

Read this article on self-care for the customer service worker. Be sure to take careful notes to help study for the unit quiz and final exam. Spend 30 minutes visiting the featured customer workplace for examples of effective customer service tactics. If you can find employment listings of interest to you on that website, you may want to investigate those.

Unit 3 Activities URL Unit 3 Discussion

After reviewing the unit materials, please post and respond to the following topics on the discussion forum. Feel free to start your own related posts, and respond to other students' posts as well.

  1. When talking on the telephone, what techniques have you found useful? What might you do differently based on this unit's readings?
  2. When communicating over the computer, what tactics have you found useful? What might you add to those based on this unit's readings?
  3. What are your own most effective ways of managing your time? What tips from this unit might help you do it better?
  4. Have you ever worked on a team project, either at work, on the job, or just a family task? How did it go? What might you suggest?

URL Short Writing Exercise: Customer Service Skillsets

Prepare a 300-500 word document as if you were the manager of a customer service department orienting new employees on the best practices in telephone and computer communications, as well as team work effectiveness and personal development. Based on this unit's readings, what are the key suggestions you would offer to help your new employees be effective in their positions? Once you are done with the document, post it to the discussion thread and leave comments on your classmates' work.

4.1: The Customer Service Profession Page Careers in Customer Services

Read this article for information on employment trends in the 21st century, requisite skills to compete in the customer service job market, and tips from the world's top CEOs on how to fit in. Also explore the embedded links to other resources that you may find useful.

4.2: Developing Your Career in Customer Service Page Customer Service Career Development

Read this article for information on employment resources, the benefits of internships, and tips to find a position in customer service. Also, explore the links to resources embedded in this text.

4.3: Resources for Career Development Page Professional Social Networks

Read this article, which explores resources for career connections and professional development. Visit, sign-up, and search the websites linked here for employment and networking opportunities.

Unit 4 Activities URL Unit 4 Discussion

After reviewing the unit materials, please post and respond to the following topics on the community Discourse forum. Feel free to start your own related posts, and respond to other students' posts as well.

  1. What resources have you used for finding past employment, or might you use for finding future positions? Why did/would you choose those particular resources?
  2. What steps would be most beneficial in preparing for a job interview?
  3. In what social networks have you participated? How might you use those networks for advancing your employment and professional growth opportunities?
URL Short Writing Exercise: The Customer Service Career

Prepare a 300-500 word document as if you were advising a student on how to find a job in customer service and advance in career development. Based on this unit's readings, what are the key suggestions you would offer the student? Once you are done with the document, please post it to the discussion forum for classmate comments.

5.1: Types of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Page Why Electronic Customer Relationship Management?

Read this section which discusses the importance of e-CRM and identifies types of CRM within organizations: operational, analytical, sales-force automation, and collaborative. The cycle of CRM identifies customer problems, provides solutions, and focuses on maintaining that customer relationship.

Page Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age

Watch this video in which Lena Steinhoff discusses her research on how companies can manage their relationships with online customers more effectively.

5.2 The Value of Customer Relationships Page Putting a Value on Customer Relationship Management

Read this section to discover effective channels of CRM and how powerful they can be to a company. Learn the long-term value of a satisfied customer and how a company can implement different strategies to maintain that relationship. Effective CRM initiatives equal increased customer satisfaction which leads to increased sales and positive word of mouth advertising.

Page Technology

Learn how companies use technology channels to reach customers, keep customers, and collect and analyze customer data. These channels include banner ads, online reviews and ratings, blog posts, and smartphone ad formats. Different marketing strategies focus on customer use of the mobile phone and social media, allowing for easy, automatic target marketing.

5.3: CRM Technology Tools and Software Page Technology and Customer Relationship Management

Read this section which discusses direct communication methods used in customer service. How a customer service worker communicates with a customer verbally is critically important, however, electronic communication can be equally effective. Cost-savings and streamlining of processes are advantages of using CRM software as well as automating and organizing customer data in a centralized location.

Page Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Digital Marketing

Watch this video in which Bill Rand explores a model for using customer relationship management to market to an audience. Marketers use CRM tools to keep track of customer interactions with consumers over time. For example, they use data to keep track of the consumer's journey to monitory the touch points they have with each individual. This includes the customer's experience before they make a purchase, during the purchase process, and after the purchase has taken place. What data can you track? How do you use the CRM? What are the benefits? What are some tools for CRM? What is social CRM?

Page Ways to Get a Customer Overview for your Future Marketing Strategies?

This article explains the priority of the customer interacting with a company brand and how CRM can improve that experience. Noting all customer interactions and sharing information across departments provide quick decision-making capabilities and CRM is the tool to make that happen for companies. Learn how CRM can improve customer service and provide the customer with what they really want.

Unit 5 Activities URL Unit 5 Discussion

Please post and respond to the following topics on the community Discourse forum. Feel free to start your own posts and respond to those of other students.

  • Name some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business. What are some advantages and disadvantages for each option?
  • Explain why companies should use CRM strategies and tools.
  • Describe some ways that CRM can impact the customer experience.
  • Most customers only contact company management to register a complaint about a product or service: they do not provide positive feedback. Have you ever provided positive feedback to a company or customer service representative? If so, explain the situation and your method of communication.

Note: We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum so your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count toward your grade.

URL Short Writing Exercise: Improving the Customer Service Experience

Prepare a 300-500 word document explaining your justification (as the manager) for purchasing CRM software for your mid-sized manufacturing company. Research and review CRM software and compare the top five programs based on cost, usage, support, customer communication tools, and user satisfaction.

Note: We encourage you to post your work to the public course discussion forum so your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the discussion forum, and this activity will not count towards your grade.

6.1 Ethics and the Customer Page Ethical Consumerism

This resource discusses strategies communities and consumers use to make buying decisions based on their ethical principles. Learn why ethical consumerism is important and also learn about the laws which protect consumers. It is not always about the product but how the product is made, the materials used, and the social responsibility of the company.

Page Emotional Branding Speaks to Consumers' Hearts

This study analyzes the importance of emotional branding within all industries, but specifically in the fashion marketplace. Learn how customers now seek an emotional relationship with a brand and how companies are strategizing to engage with these customers. Learn how emotionally invested customers lead to higher sales.

Page Why We Need to Treat our Employees as Thoughtfully as our Customers

In this video, Diana Dosic recommends companies direct the same energy they expend to understanding and engaging their customers to their employees. What are the payoffs for having a better motivated, loyal, imaginative, and innovative workforce? Dosik turns the tables of customer research onto employees, to create smarter, better companies.

6.2 Legal Rights of the Customer Page Basic Consumer Rights

In many countries, the customer or consumer is guaranteed certain basic rights by law no matter where they live. Learn these basic rights to stay informed, vigilant, and proactive when purchasing products. Think about the products you have purchased which have since been recalled for safety issues or due to malfunctioning parts on an automobile. Customer protection and satisfaction is imperative for a business to deliver goods and services.

Page Definition of Consumer Product Safety Act in Marketing

This post describes and defines the various terms and rights of the consumer based on the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972. This act also established the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission which has jurisdiction over thousands of products and requires warning labels and recalls when necessary. Consumers are guaranteed rights to include accurate labeling, safe packaging, and truth in marketing.

Page My Consumer Rights – My Shopping Rights

This brief video from the Queensland government in Australia is a public service announcement that explains the rights of consumers. Customers have the right to ask questions about a product or service, receive a receipt, and to obtain a refund, complementary repair work, or a free replacement if an item they purchased is defective.

6.3 Developing and Keeping Customer Trust Page Using Customer Service to Build Brand Loyalty in 2019: Data-Driven Tips

This post describes detailed strategies for companies to adopt to maintain customer loyalty. From consistent notifications to uploading service guides to offering an online portal, companies today must compete effectively with these data-driven tips to sustain a customer base and deliver a quality product or service.

Page Three Ways to Build Trust in Your Business

This article explores the value of customer trust and how a company can measure trust to bring long-term value. A large percentage of customers rate trust as a driving factor for overall customer loyalty. This can also have an impact on a company’s employee turnover. Companies retain the majority of their employees when the company is rated higher in trust among customers.

Page Building a Digital World Consumers Can Trust

This brief video describes how a digital economy based on trust means more access, more participation, and more innovation.

Unit 6 Activities URL Unit 6 Discussion

After you have reviewed this unit, please post and respond to the following topics on the community Discourse forum.

  • As a customer and consumer, you purchase products for many reasons. Why do you typically buy a product? Is it cost, quality, company reputation and social presence, or other factors?
  • Are you loyal to particular brands? Why or why not?
  • Are you swayed to purchase based on consumer reward programs? Name a customer reward program you participate in?
  • Are there companies which you believe in and trust? Explain. Why is it important for companies to build trust?
  • The internet has expanded the customer experience and exposure to products. Explain the challenges companies and customers face with internet purchases.

Note: We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum so your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count toward your grade.

URL Short Writing Exercise: Responsibility to the Customer

Prepare a 300–500 word document from the perspective of a customer purchasing a cell phone. The company you have been loyal to for many years is running a special sale which gives you a 2-for-1 deal. However, a news story has just broken which details this company and its employment practices using underage children in an underdeveloped country.

Are you still going to purchase phones from this company? Why or why not? If the company corrected the employment practices, would you return as a loyal customer? If not, what would it take for you to return to this company as a customer? Explain your experiences as an ethical consumer. Once you are done with the document, feel free to share it with other students in the discussion forum.

Note: We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum, so your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count toward your grade.

5.1: Course Project URL Project: Customer Service Training Manual

Please prepare a 1,500-word training manual as if you were the manager of a customer service department orienting a new employee on the needs of your department. Based on what you learned in this course, what are the key points you would want the new employees to understand as they begin their new position? You may include and expand upon your writings from earlier units. Once you have completed the document, please post it to the discussion forum for classmate comments, and for access by potential employers.

URL Course Project Discussion

After you review the unit materials, please post and respond to the following topics on the course discussion board. Feel free to start your own related posts, and respond to other students' posts as well.

  1. What tips would you offer to other students taking this certificate program to best focus their efforts and maximize their success?
  2. After you have completed your final project activity for this course, what are three or four of the most important lessons you would suggest for a customer service worker just starting out?
  3. Please share what you found most useful and least useful about this course.

Course Feedback Survey URL Course Feedback Survey