Unit 5 Discussion

Please post and respond to the following topics on the community Discourse forum. Feel free to start your own posts and respond to those of other students.

  • Name some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business. What are some advantages and disadvantages for each option?
  • Explain why companies should use CRM strategies and tools.
  • Describe some ways that CRM can impact the customer experience.
  • Most customers only contact company management to register a complaint about a product or service: they do not provide positive feedback. Have you ever provided positive feedback to a company or customer service representative? If so, explain the situation and your method of communication.

Note: We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum so your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count toward your grade.