Nike of Samothrace

Watch this video about the Nike of Samothrace sculpture and its reconstruction. How much do you think a major reconstruction of art might change the original experience and meaning?

Nike (Winged Victory) of Samothrace, Lartos marble (ship) and Parian marble (figure), c. 190 B.C.E., 3.28m high (Musée du Louvre, Paris). The sculpture was unearthed in 1863 after its discovery under the direction of Charles Champoiseau, the French Vice-Consul to Turkey.

Please note that the theoretical reconstruction of the Nike as a trumpeter mentioned in the video has been largely abandoned; the monument is now though to have been part of a fountain commemorating a naval victory.

Source: Smarthistory,
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Saylor Academy Knowledge Check

Last modified: Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 8:03 AM