Topic Name Content Type
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.1: Defining Art Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.2: Form and Content Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.3: Aesthetics Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.3: What is Art? Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.4: Subjective and Objective Perspectives Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.5: Artistic Roles Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.6: Artistic Categories Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.7: Artistic Styles Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.8: Cultural Styles Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.8: Representational, Abstract, and Nonrepresentational Art Single Choice Set
Unit 1 Knowledge Checks 1.9: Perception and Visual Awareness Single Choice Set
Unit 2 Knowledge Checks 2.1: The Artistic Process Single Choice Set
Unit 2 Knowledge Checks 2.2: The Individual Artist Single Choice Set
Unit 2 Knowledge Checks 2.3: Artistic Training Methods Single Choice Set
Unit 2 Knowledge Checks 2.4: Art as a Social Activity Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.1: How We See: Objective and Subjective Means Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.2: The First Level of Meaning: Formal Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.2: The Second Level of Meaning: Subject Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.2: The Third Level of Meaning: Context Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.2: More on Context Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.2: The Fourth Level of Meaning: Iconography Single Choice Set
Unit 3 Knowledge Checks 3.3: Critical Perspectives Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.1: The Point Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.1: The Line Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.1: Shapes and the Figure-Ground Relationship Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.1: Mass Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.2: The Element of Space Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.2: The Element of Value Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.2: The Element of Color Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.2: The Element of Texture Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: The Artistic Principles Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Balance Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Repetition Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Scale and Proportion Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Emphasis Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Time and Motion Single Choice Set
Unit 4 Knowledge Checks 4.3: Unity and Variety Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.1: Drawing Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.1: Painting Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.1: Printmaking Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.1: Collage Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Early Development Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Effects on Other Media Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Form and Content Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Darkroom Processes Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: The Human Element Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Color Images Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Photojournalism Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Modern Developments Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.2: Time-based Media: Film, Video, and Digital Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.3: Definitions, Processes, and Sculptures Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.3: Types of Sculpture and Three-dimensional Media Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.3: Methods Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.3: Modern Variations of Three-Dimensional Media Single Choice Set
Unit 5 Knowledge Checks 5.3: Decorative Arts Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.1: Introduction Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.2: Methods and Materials Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.3: Architecture in China and East Asia Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.4: Cross-Cultural Influences on Architecture Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.5: Architecture and the Industrial Revolution Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.6: Modern Architecture: A New Language Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.7: Post-Modern and Contemporary Architecture Single Choice Set
Unit 6 Knowledge Checks 6.8: Green Architecture Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.1: Identity Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.1: Art and Identity Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.2: Self-Portraits Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.3: Nature Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.4: Social and Collaborative Art Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.4: Politics, Conflict, and War Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.4: Memorials Single Choice Set
Unit 7 Knowledge Checks 7.4: Peace Single Choice Set
Unit 8 Knowledge Checks 8.1: Myths Single Choice Set
Unit 8 Knowledge Checks 8.1: Meaning in Art Single Choice Set
Unit 8 Knowledge Checks 8.2: Dreams Single Choice Set
Unit 8 Knowledge Checks 8.3: Spirituality Single Choice Set
Unit 8 Knowledge Checks 8.3: Art and Ritual Life Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Cuneiform and the Invention of Writing Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Sumerian Art Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Victory Stele of Naram-Sin Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Law Code Stele of King Hammurabi Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: The History of Ancient Egypt Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Egyptian Art Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.2: Materials and Techniques Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: Ancient Greece and Rome Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: Geometric Greek Krater Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: The Kouros Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: Polykleitos' Doryphoros Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: Nike of Samothrace Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.3: Augustus of Primaporta Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Early Christian Art: An Introduction Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Early Christian Art and Architecture After Constantine Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Byzantine Art: Justinian and His Attendants Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: 'Barbarian' Art Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Fibulae Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Ottonian Art: St. Michael's Church, Hildesheim (1001-1031) Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Romanesque Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: Gothic Art: Jamb Figures, Chartres Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.4: English Gothic Architecture Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Cimabue's Trinita Madonna and Giotto's Ognissanti Madonna Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Florence in the Early Renaissance Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Masaccio's Holy Trinity Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Flanders Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Campin's Merode Altarpiece Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: High Renaissance Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Raphael's School of Athens Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Da Vinci's The Last Supper Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.5: Michelangelo's David Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.6: 1600-1700: The Baroque Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.6: Baroque Art in Italy Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.6: Poussin's Landscape with Saint John and Rape of the Sabines Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.7: Fragonard's The Swing Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.7: Neoclassicism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.7: Romanticism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.7: 1848-1907: The Industrial Revolution Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.7: Becoming Modern Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.8: Realism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.8: Courbet's A Burial at Ornans Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.8: The Stonebreakers Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.8: Manet's Le déjeuner sur l'herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.8: Édouard Manet's Olympia Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.9: Impressionism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.9: Monet's Rouen Cathedral Series Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.9: Renoir's Moulin de la Galette Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.10: Post-Impressionism: Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte - 1884 Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.10: Van Gogh's Portrait of Joseph Roulin Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.10: Cézanne's Still Life with Apples Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.10: Gauguin's Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.11: A Beginner's Guide to Fauvism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.11: Italian Futurism: An Introduction Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.11: Art Between the Wars: The Avant-Garde and the Rise of Totalitarianism Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.12: Art in Nazi Germany Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.12: Abstract Expressionism and the New York School Single Choice Set
Unit 9 Knowledge Checks 9.12: Architecture Single Choice Set