b. Channel
The channel carries the water from the weir to the forebay tank. In rare cases where the forebay tank
is attached to the weir, a channel would not be designed to be a part of the scheme. The channel is
designed to have a minimum gradient to ensure that the drop of elevation of the diverted water stream is
minimum. Channels are often constructed with concrete, random rubble, bricks, or earth. In most cases,
the physical appearance of a channel resembles a drain.
Channel with Settling Tank
Settling tank
c. Settling tank
Any solid particles in water can either block the nozzles (jets) or damage the blades of the turbine. The
settling tank attempts to reduce any solid particles that enter the nozzles/turbine blades. Depending
on the circumstances, there can be more than one settling tank designed for a micro-hydro scheme. In
the case of reaction type turbines, even a slight wear in the turbine blades can drastically reduce the
performances of the scheme.