The author thanks all those who contributed to the production of this book.
Special thanks to Richard Kibulo for his leadership in the survey and finalisation of the report.
Thanks to those who shared their opinions and presented their experiences. They include Laban Metto
of Christian Intermediate Technology Centre (CITC), Kapsabet; Mark Hankins of Energy Alternatives
Arica; Tim Hutchinson of Tunnel Technology Limited; Nashon Wem of Kenya Woodfuel and Agroforestry
Programme (KW AP), Kericho; Mbaabu Murianki of Mtwapa Agroforestry Centre, and two individual
biogas plant builders, Kinoti Murithi and Festus Mbaaka from Meru..
Appreciation to Penroche Development Services Limited for the survey, interpretation and
implementation of the survey objectives upon which this publication is based.
Special recognition to the editorial team of Mariam Kundu, Betty Rabar and Susan Kiuna. Thanks to
Elijah Njoroge for the illustrations and cover design.