Appendix I
Terms of reference of the study
The study reviewed the promotion of biogas in Kenya through a desk and field study. A report was then
compiled. The terms of reference of the study are as follows:
A desk study with the following objectives:
1. To determine the scope and results of any previous assessments of investigations of biogas
projects in Kenya.
2. To describe the types of biogas units promoted in Kenya.
3. Research on other promotional and printed literature which may have been produced.
Field study with the following tasks:
1. To assess the level of activity and success of organisations and private firms currently
promoting biogas technology, including:
• target regions (geographical) · target groups (socio-economic)
• project periods and support sources · promotion and dissemination methods · level of
use where promoted.
1. To present the findings of the desk and field studies
2. On the basis of the above, to summarise options for potential opportunities in the sector.