Crook, M; van Buren, A; ITDG; (1981) A Chinese Biogas Manual
This publication uses diagrams and pictures to show how the basic design of the biogas pit can be
adopted for construction in different soils, from sandstone to sheer rock, which should encourage other
developing countries to embark on their own biogas programmes.
Fulford, D.; (1988) Running a Biogas Programme: A Handbook
Describes the designs and uses of biogas plants, with technical appendices, for domestic and
community plants. Likely economic and social effects of biogas programmes are described from
experience, and advice given in the problems of management.
Hislop, D.; ITDG; (1992) Energy Options: An Introduction to SmallScale Renewable Energy
This gives a comprehensive overview of energy options currently available. It is intended for those who
need to know where and how they might be used. Energy options has its roots in the series of technical
briefs produced for the Technical Enquiries Unit (TEU) by IT Power. It provides a basic understanding
of the technology offered and is a springboard to further serious research into the chosen subject.
Bhalla, A. S.; Reddy, A. K. N; (1994) The Technological Transformation of India The outcome of a
World Employment Programme project, this book consists of eleven chapters and is concerned with the
technological transformation of the rural non-farm sector and focuses on the commercialization of rural
technologies and the factors hindering this process.
This document is a reproduction of a publication produced by Intermediate Technology Kenya
(now Practical Action East Africa) in 1997, ISBN 9966-9606-6-X.
Practical Action - Eastern Africa
AAYMCA Building,
Along State House Crescent,
Off State House Avenue,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0) 20 2713540 / 2715299 / 2719313 / 2719413.
Fax: +254 (0) 20 2710083
Email: practicalaction@practicalaction.or.ke
Website: http://practicalaction.org/practicalanswers
Adapted from a report by Penroche Development Services Limited for ITDG.
The publication was produced with support from the Overseas Development Administration
(ODA) and Charity Projects of the UK.
© Intermediate Technology Kenya 1997
Illustrations and cover design by Elijah Njoroge
Printed by Africa Church Information Service, Nairobi