to prevent cracks from entering the gas-holder. Weak and strong ring have been successfully
combined in the CAMARTEC design.
Figure 21: Construction of the weak/strong ring of a 16 m3,
Photo: Kellner (TBW)
Materials and construction
The weak ring consists of mortar of a mixture of sand, lime and cement (15:3:1). The top of
the weak ring restores the horizontal level. It is interrupted only by the inlet pipe passing
through. The strong ring rests on the weak ring and is the first layer of the upper part of the
hemispherical shell. It consists of a row of header bricks with a concrete package at the
outside. In case of soft or uncertain ground soil one may place a ring reinforcement bar in the
concrete of the strong ring. The brick of the strong ring should be about three times wider
than the brickwork of the upper wall. A detailed description of the weak/strong ring
construction can be found in Sasse, Kellner, Kimaro.
Further reading:
• Ringkamp, M.; Tentscher, W.; Schiller, H.: Preliminary results on: statical
optimization of family-sized fixed-dome digesters. Tilche, A.; Rozzi, A. (ed.): Poster
Papers. Fifth International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Bologna 1988, pp.
• Sasse, L.; Kellner, Ch.; Kimaro, A.: Improved Biogas Unit for Developing Countries.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Vieweg &
Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft Braunschweig, 1991