The Construction of the Timberless
House Model
1. Introduction
1.1. Darfur: The Housing Problem and a Solution
The conflict in Darfur, which most analysts judge to have started in 2003 has had a
devastating effect on the region. Many of the internally displaced people (IDPs) who
were forced to flee their homes have ended up living in make-shift camps around the
major cities such as Alfashir, Algeneina and Nyala.
Upon their return back to their original villages, returnees are going to face numerous
difficulties, the most significant of which will be the mass destruction of local
infrastructure and homes.
1.2. Survey
In 2006 Practical Action Sudan decided to conduct a survey in Abu Showk IDP camp in
Al Fashir to identify building designs and types of materials used by the IDPs in their
home villages. The survey revealed the following:
• The IDPs in the camp have come from different areas (namely Korma, Tawilla,
Kutum and Kabkabia) and belong to different ethnic groups in North Darfur.
Practical Answers Sudan
The Construction of the Timberless House Model