dam. Crops cultivation includes:
Snuff tobacco (90%), Okra (5%),
Tomato, Watermelon, Pigeon peas and
Karkhadeh (Hibiscus) (5%). In addition,
11000 people came from other villages
settling around the project, providing
casual labour, at 5-6 workers per acre.
An additional 1000 shuttle there daily,
from Tawila town (7 Km away). They
earn money and are supplied with fresh
vegetables to eat. This seasonal job
opportunity lasts for about 7 months
after the rainy season.
The farmers are planning to increase
the length of the earth embankment to
increase the size of area flooded.
L4.5 Problems to be Considered
AND preparation before the
flooding of the area is a necessity
because it helps the infiltration of water
into the land more efficiently.
5.0 Idd Elbeida Water
Harvesting Project
Location and Inhabitants:
Idd Elbeida village, east of El Fashir, North
Darfur State.
Number of Beneficiaries: 300 families.
Amount of Surface Water Captured in
Cubic Metres: 150 000
Irrigated Area in Feddans: 300 feddans.
A5.1 Problem Statement
_DAM was built in this area under a
previous project. However, about 40m
width was washed out by flooding in 1998.
Consequently the community were not able
to benefit from the dam.
T5.2 Project Goal
HE aim of this project was to
rehabilitate the existing project and
add flood control and hafir systems as a first
phase and a water-harvesting project was
designed and executed.
T5.3 Project Description
HE project consists of three separate
- The first was a spillway on the right side
of Idd Elbeida earth embankment, as the
location is relatively high and suitable for
the spillway function.
- An emergency structure was built in the
middle with a small spillway and sluice
- The third structure, a sluice gate and
spillway system, was located on the khor
stream for silt control.
Operating Procedures:
As the control structure was built in the
main stream of the watercourse, silt deposits
were expected. When there is a significant
amount of silt deposit, the sluice gate should
be opened to allow the silt to wash away.
O5.4 Impact of Project in First Year
VER 200 feddans were irrigated and
cultivated with vegetables.
Most of the remaining area is left fallow
to form wide pasture areas for grazing
S5.5 Problems to be Considered
IMPLE canalisation is needed to
allow for more water spreading and
to reduce the water load on the earth
embankment, which could cause damage to
the embankme