T2.2 Project Goal
HE project plans to construct
a water harvesting system at wadi
Mushuk, upstream of the confluence, to
irrigate an area of about 400 feddans:
250 feddans adjacent to the western
bank of the wadi and 150 feddans to its
eastern bank.
Three benchmarks have been
established at different locations to take
the necessary measurements for design
and construction purposes:
- TBM 1 reduced level is 100.0m
- TBM 2 reduced level is 98.57m
- TBM 3 reduced level is 99.07m
T2.3 Project Description
HE project undertook hydrological
data analysis and erected earth dam
and flood control structures.
The project includes:
a.Hydrological Data
b.Earth Dam
c.Flood Control Structure
Hydrological Data Collection and
Analysis: The results obtained using the
Manning formula were as follows:
- Maximum flood discharge [Q]1 =
- Estimated flood duration = 7 hours
- Volume of flood per storm =
- Potential irrigated area = 710 feddans
Drawing for Azagrfa dam
Earth Dam: The earth dam is dressed
with dry and wet pitching for protection
against erosion due to rainfall and/or
floods. Energy dissipaters are introduced
on the upstream face of the earth dam
for more protection against erosion.
- Total length of earth dam including
flood control structure = 275m
- Maximum cross-section bed width
= 13.75m
- Minimum cross-section bed width
= 7.00m
- Maximum dam height = 2.35m
- Minimum dam height =1.00m
- Soil fill quantity = 3700cu.m
- Excavation work (for trench cut off)
= 275cu.m
Flood Control Structure: The structure
is composed of:
i. Spillways
- Main spillway of length
11.0m, crest level is 99.14m
- Two side spillways each of
length 1.5m; crest level is
ii. Sluice gates
- Four sluice gates of 35cm
diameter, each with 35cm
diameter steel pipe of length
1. Q = Amount of water in cubic metres per second