- Southern embankment total
length = 295m, embankment
top level: 103.50m
- Eastern embankment total
length = 400m, embankment
top level: 103.50m
Sluice Gates Structure (masonry work)
- Length = 4.5m, crest level:
- Number of steel gates = 3
- Number of 0.5m diameter
pipes, of length 2.5m each = 3
Side Spillway (masonry work)
- Total length = 28.0m
- Crest level: 102.30m
Operation Procedure:
Filling of Reservoir: Initially the three
sluice gates of the structure are closed.
Filling of the reservoir continues to take
place up to the level of 102.30m. The
maximum stored water in the reservoir
is about 55,000cu.m. If the water level
upstream of the earth embankment
reaches above 102.30m, floodwater
starts to flow over the crest of the
spillway and the sluice gates structure.
Silt Control: If the amount of silt
deposited upstream of the earth
embankment becomes significant, the
gates can be opened fully or partially to
wash out the silt.
3.4 Impact of Project
- In its first year, there was very little
water captured, which lasted for a few
months. The percolation rate was high
due to the porous nature of the soil in
the area.
· In its second season, the water
captured is much higher in spite of
the low rainfall. The percolation rate
is lower due to sealing the porosity
caused by infiltration of silt particles.
3.5 Problems to be Considered
1. The water is being used directly
from the reservoir without any kind
of treatment. A water treatment
intervention such as a sand filter is
4.0 Umpronga Water Harvesting Project
Location and Inhabitants: The project
site is located 60km south west of El
Fashir and 3km east of Taweela locality,
North Darfur State.
Number of Beneficiaries:
2,617 families.
Amount of Surface Water Captured in
Cubic Metres: 600 000
Irrigated Area in Feddans:
5,000–10,000 feddans.
Drawing for Umpronga dam