Eric Steuer

Eric Steuer

Eric Steuer
Director of Content and Community
Eric works with artists, media companies, tech developers, and cultural institutions on the use of CC licenses/content.
Eric Steuer

Eric works with artists, media companies, technology developers, and cultural institutions on the use of Creative Commons licenses and CC-licensed content. Before joining CC, Eric was an editor for Wired magazine, where he is currently a correspondent, covering the intersection of technology and popular culture. He is on the board of CASH Music and is a musician whose recordings and remixes have been released by a variety of record labels.

Eric's News

Groklaw's Pamela Jones

Pamela Jones is the founder and editor of Groklaw, an award-winning Web site that conducts complex legal research using an approach inspired by open source. What started out as a one-woman operation in 2003 has grown to a full-fledged community with hundreds of contributors and millions of daily visitors. Focused primarily on issues that concern … Read More “Groklaw's Pamela Jones”

Radio Radicale to put archives online

Radio Radicale, the official radio station of Italy’s Radical Party, recently announced that it is applying a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license to much of its archived audio content. What that means: Thirty years of history, parliamentary sittings, political conferences, trials, intelligence scandals, interviews, declarations, denunciations; the material collected with ant-like patience by Radio Radicale, … Read More “Radio Radicale to put archives online”

Creative Commons anuncia el lanzamiento del Concurso de Remixes "Criminales del Copyright"

Las composiciones ganadoras serán incluídas en un próximo documental; las 12 canciones finalistas serán incluidas en un CD que acompañará a la película. San Francisco, CA, USA – 7 de diciembre de 2005 Creative Commons, junto a los productores cinematográficos Kembrew McLeod y Ben Franzen, anunciaron el día de hoy el lanzamiento del concurso “Criminales … Read More “Creative Commons anuncia el lanzamiento del Concurso de Remixes "Criminales del Copyright"”