Eric Steuer

Eric Steuer

Eric Steuer
Director of Content and Community
Eric works with artists, media companies, tech developers, and cultural institutions on the use of CC licenses/content.
Eric Steuer

Eric works with artists, media companies, technology developers, and cultural institutions on the use of Creative Commons licenses and CC-licensed content. Before joining CC, Eric was an editor for Wired magazine, where he is currently a correspondent, covering the intersection of technology and popular culture. He is on the board of CASH Music and is a musician whose recordings and remixes have been released by a variety of record labels.

Eric's News

Redefining Open: MOOCs and Online Courseware in the Age of Creative Commons and Wikipedia

The guest post below was written by Peter B. Kaufman of Intelligent Television. — When the Open Courseware movement first started – its Big Bang probably took place in mid-June 2001, when Mellon Foundation president William G. Bowen, Hewlett Foundation’s president Paul Brest, and MIT president Charles M. Vest announced the initiative at MIT – … Read More “Redefining Open: MOOCs and Online Courseware in the Age of Creative Commons and Wikipedia”


At Japanese Beatmaking Event, Producers Create CC Remixes in Just Four Hours

Earlier this month, the fine folks of Creative Commons Japan hosted a beatmaking event at Bigakko, an innovative art education center in Tokyo. A quartet of up and coming Japanese electronic music producers—Madegg, Metome, Foodman (best name ever), and Canooooopy—were issued a challenge: Create brand new remixes of CC-licensed tracks found online. The musicians had exactly four … Read More “At Japanese Beatmaking Event, Producers Create CC Remixes in Just Four Hours”


World Without Waste? Appropedia and the Sustainability Commons

The guest post below was written by Erik Moeller of Passionate Voices, a collaborative blog that hosts interviews with interesting makers, writers, thinkers, and artists from all over the world. — The global maker movement is known for creative hacks, as well as for getting people of all ages excited about technology and how the … Read More “World Without Waste? Appropedia and the Sustainability Commons”


Jonathan Barnbrook on his CC-licensed art for David Bowie’s Blackstar

Jonathan Barnbrook is a world-renowned artist who has worked extensively in a variety of media including film, typography, and graphic design. He was also a close collaborator of David Bowie, and created the cover artwork for the musician’s last four albums. Sadly, Bowie died in January, just two days after the release of his final … Read More “Jonathan Barnbrook on his CC-licensed art for David Bowie’s Blackstar