- Filaments in the cycloskeleton; Major types:
- Actin filaments
- Structure
- Treadmilling and driving mechanism
- Intermediate filaments
- Microtubules
- Actin filaments
- Microtubule structure:
- Tubulin subunits
- Protofilaments, nucleation and growth
- Polarity
- Dynamic Instability [Mitchison, T., and M. Kirchner. "Microtubule Assembly Nucleated by Isolated Centrosomes." Nature 312, (1984): 232.]
- Verde, F., et al. "Control of microtubule dynamics and length by cyclin A-and cyclin B-dependent kinases in Xenopus egg extracts." Journal Cell Biology 118, (1992): 1097. [Dogterom, M., and S. Leibler. "Physical aspects of the growth and regulation of microtubule structures." Physical Review Letters 70, (1993): 1347-50.]
- Flyvbjerg, H., T. E. Holy, et al. "Stochastic Dynamics of Microtubules: A Model for Caps and Catastrophes". Phsical Review Letters 73, no. 17 (1994): 2372.
- Search strategy
- Mitosis
- Condensation of RecA on ssDNA as a tool for computation by stochastic assembly
- Kinetic proof-reading
- Hopfield, J.J. "Kinetic Proofreading: A New Mechanism for Reducing Errors in Biosynthetic Processes Requiring High Specificity." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 71, No. 10(1974): 4135-4139.
- Ndlec, F.J., et al. "Self-organization of microtubules and motors." Nature 389, (1997): 305-308.
Some Related Links
- Microtubule links
- Nanosimulation of the cytoskeleton (a PhD thesis by Christopher Betts)
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