- Ionic solutions:
- Why do electrolytes dissociate (ionize) in water?
- The bare Coulomb interaction and the Bjerrum length
- Acids, bases, and salts
- The importance of Coulomb repulsion in biological systems
- Macroions, counterions, salt ions
- Restricted partition function
- Statistical treatments of ionic solutions:
- 'Mean-field' potential and charge density via the self-consistent Poisson-Boltzmann equation
- Screening in salt solutions
- Linearized Poisson-Boltzman
- Debye-Hückel theory
- Dissociation from a charged membrane
- Solution of the 1d equation
- The Gouy-Chapman layer
- Interaction between charged parallel plates
- Importance of fluctuations; like charges can attract
Some Related Links
- Gelbart, et al. DNA-Inspired Electrostatics. Physics Today 53, no. 9 (2000): 38.
- Electrostatics in DNA-peptide complexes; from a course on Principles of Protein Structure.
- Bustamante, et al. Ten Years of Tension: Single-molecule DNA Mechanic. Nature 421 (2003): 423–7.
- On Electrostatic Screening; John Marko at Northwestern.
- On DNA elasticity; Philip Nelson at UPenn.
- The residual potential; Bruce Tidor at MIT.
(Detailed Lecture Notes (PDF))