Textbook Chapters
Below are two excerpts from the textbook for this course ( Strang, Gilbert. Computational Science and Engineering. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780961408817.).
Chapter 1: Applied Linear Algebra; Section 1.1 Four Special Matrices (PDF)
Chapter 4: Fourier Series and Integrals; Section 4.1 Fourier Series for Periodic Functions (PDF)
Appendix: Linear algebra in a nutshell (PDF)
MATLAB Information
- MATLAB cheat sheet (PDF)
- Short MATLAB tutorial (PDF) and Cool MATLAB demos by MathWorks
- MATLAB recitation demos from 1997
- MATLAB teaching codes
Spring 1999 MATLAB Homework
MATLAB Homework 1 (PDF)
MATLAB Homework 2 (PDF)
MATLAB Homework 3 (PDF)
MATLAB Homework 4 (PDF)
MATLAB Homework 5 (PDF)
MATLAB Homework 6 (PDF)
Class Resources
- Movie of elimination: moe.m (M) (also need realmmd.m (M))
- Code to create K,T,B,C as sparse matrices (HTML)
- MATLAB backslash command to solve Ax = b (PDF)
- Gradient and divergence / parallel table (PDF)