This table provides information about both the lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.
Part I: The Quantum Particle | ||
L1 | The motivation for nanoelectronics, device scaling | |
L2 | Review of waves, phase and interference, wavefunctions | |
L3 | Wavepackets and operators | |
R1 | 6.701: Fourier transforms 6.719: Wavepacket propagation | |
L4 | Momentum, energy and the uncertainty principle | |
L5 | Schrödinger equation, particle in a box | Homework 1 due |
R2 | 6.701: Bra and ket notation 6.719: Dispersion relations | |
L6 | Piecewise potentials, tunneling | |
Part II: The Quantum Particle in a Box | ||
L7 | Fermi statistics, current, metals and insulators | Homework 2 due |
R3 | 6.701: Definition of group velocity and dispersion relation 6.719: Fermi statistics | |
L8 | Density of states, periodic boundary conditions | |
L9 | Density of states in 0-d to 3-d structures | Homework 3 due |
R4 | 6.701: Review of densities of states (DOS) 6.719: Review DOS, DOS in disordered materials | |
Part III: Two Terminal Quantum Dot Devices | ||
L10 | Equilibrium in two terminal molecular devices | |
L11 | Capacitance models of electrostatics | Homework 4 due |
R5 | 6.701: Capacitors 6.719: Small signal models of metal-molecule junctions | |
L12 | Current flow under bias in two terminal molecular devices | |
L13 | Charging | Homework 5 due |
R6 | Numerical methods for self-consistent IV calculations | |
Part IV: Two Terminal Quantum Wire Devices | ||
L14 | Current flow in quantum wires, the quantum limit of conductance | |
L15 | Landauer theory | Homework 6 due |
R7 | Midterm (covering Parts I-III) | |
L16 | Ohm's law and the Drude model | Simulation project part 1 due |
Part V: Field Effect Transistors | ||
L17 | Field effect transistors (FETs) | Homework 7 due |
R8 | Review of three terminal device electrostatics | |
L18 | Ballistic quantum wire FETs | |
L19 | Conventional MOSFETs | Homework 8 due |
R9 | Review ballistic FETs | Simulation project part 2 due |
Part VI: Fundamental Limits in Computation | ||
L20 | CMOS, power delay product and scaling | Homework 9 due |
R10 | Review of CMOS | |
L21 | Thermodynamic limits and reversible computing | |
Part VII: The Energy Structure of Materials | ||
L22 | Hybrid orbitals, introduction to tight binding | Homework 10 due |
R11 | 6.701: Tight binding definitions 6.719: Hydrogen atom | |
L23 | Examples of tight binding calculations | |
L24 | Periodic materials, Bloch functions | Homework 11 due |
R12 | Semiconductors and insulators | 6.719: Spin report due |
L25 | Tight binding in periodic materials | |
L26 | Carbon nanotubes |