
This section contains homework assignments and the simulation projects. These tables refer to the end-of-chapter problems, which can be found in the course notes. The 6.719 spin device project is not available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Homework Assignments

1Part 1, problems 1-4Part 1, problem 5
2Part 1, problems 6-8

Part 1, problem 9

Appendix 1, problems 1-3

3Part 1, problems 10-11, 13Part 1, problem 12
4Part 2, problems 1-3Part 2, problem 4
5Part 3, problems 1-4 
6Part 3, problems 5-8 
7Part 4, problems 1-5 

Part 4, problems 6-7

Part 5, problem 5

9Part 5, problems 2, 4, 6-8 
10Part 7, problems 1-4Bonus question: Part 7, problem 5
11Part 6, problems 1-3 
12Part 6, problems 4-8 

Simulation Projects

1Part 3, problems 9-11
2Part 5, problems 1, 3