Session Overview
![]() | In this session, we start a new unit on circuits. We will explore different motivations for studying circuits, the conventional representations associated with the study of circuits, and Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws. The overview handout provides a more detailed introduction, including the big ideas of the session, key vocabulary, what you should understand (theory) and be able to do (practice) after completing this session, and additional resources. |
Session Content
Read sections 6.1-6.5 of the course notes.
Lecture Video
Watch the lecture video. The handout and slides present the same material, but the slides include answers to the in-class questions.
About this Video
Introduction to circuits, including several methods for analyzing circuits (Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, node voltages, and loop currents) and common patterns that simplify analysis.
Recitation Video
These videos have been developed for OCW Scholar, and are designed to supplement the lecture videos.
- Recitation 9: Circuits: Representation, KVL, KCL (00:17:46)
Recitation 9: Circuits: Representation, KVL, KCL
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 39MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 39MB)
- Recitation 10: Circuits: NVCC, Sample Problem (00:13:51)
Recitation 10: Circuits: NVCC, Sample Problem
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 30MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 30MB)
Session Activities
The problems in the tables below are taken from the 6.01 Online Tutor, an interactive environment that is not available on OCW. Do not try to answer these questions in the PDF files; answers will not be checked, and cannot be submitted.
Design Lab
- Design Lab 7: For Your Eyes Only (PDF)
- Code for Design Lab 7 (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains: 4 .pyc files, 5 .py files and 1 .cmax file.)
7.1.2 | Potentiometer (PDF) |
Additional Exercises
7.2.1 | Parallel resistors (PDF) |
7.2.2 | Resistor dividers (PDF) |
7.2.3 | NVCC (PDF) |
7.2.4 | Resistor network (PDF) |
7.2.5 | Argopt (PDF) |
7.2.6 | floatRange (PDF) |
Check Yourself
Nano-quiz problems and solutions are taken from a previous version of the 6.01 Online Tutor. Do not try to answer these questions in the PDF files; answers will not be checked, and cannot be submitted.