1 | Read "Understanding Landmines and Mine Action" by Robert Keeley. Be prepared to discuss landmines and mine action and answer questions. (PDF - 1.4MB) Browse the ORDATA online demining database. |
2 | Read "A Fresh Approach to Road Clearance Operations" by Roger Hess. Read any three articles in Issue 7.3 of the Journal of Mine Action. Review the manual demining process in Bob Keeley's paper, "Understanding Landmines and Mine Action", previously assigned. ( Read through the 10 presentations that are part of "Introducing Demining" by Andy Smith. |
4 | Read the JMA paper "The Facts on Protection Needs in Humanitarian Demining" by Andy Smith. Follow this with the JMA paper "What Use is a Database of Demining Accidents?" also by Andy Smith. Read the JMA paper "Women Deminers in Croatia" by Jennette Townsend. Read the JMA paper "First Person: Deminers' Stories" by Huntington Associates. |
5 | Read the JMA paper "How Product Design Can Improve Manual Demining" by Anders Ilsøy. Read the paper "Farming Minefields" by Trevelyan, et al. (PDF) (Courtesy of James Trevelyan. Used with permission.) Read the technical proposal Rapid Technical Surveys by Roger Hess. (PDF) (Courtesy of Roger Hess. Used with permission.) The reading will help you think more broadly about opportunities and ideas that could be addressed. |
7 | Read "The U.S. Department of Defense Humanitarian Demining Training Center: A Center of Excellence" and review the Web site. Generate a list of questions you want to answer during the trip and bring it with you. |