
Class Meeting Times

Seminar: 1 session / week; 3 hours / session



Course Description

This course invites students to explore the evolving space of augmented reality audio design. The overall objective of the course is to establish a richer understanding of the potential and limitations of augmented reality audio technology. The class is run as part of a research project with the same name. Students will familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations of acoustic technology and explorative design research, as well as the tools and methods for advanced audio design.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, the student should:

  • Have a fundamental understanding of the different forms of inquiry through design.
  • Be familiar with the history of sound reproduction and audio-based game mechanics.
  • Be able to apply interaction design methods to the exploration of the augmented reality audio design space.
  • Be able to work creatively with physical and digital design materials.
  • Understand how to utilize prototypes to communicate insights as sketches, demonstrators, concepts, and examples.

Learning Activities

Students will be working throughout the semester on one group project encompassing a complete cycle of formulating a research question, design conceptualization, development, testing, and dissemination of findings. In addition, students will be working in class on short design exercises and be assigned readings and other exercises to be done between sessions. Class sessions will be dedicated to reading seminars, presentations, design and play exercises, and continuous feedback and discussion of the different stages of the main projects.


The performance on the main assignment as expressed through its deliverables (one or more prototypes and a written report) together with the performance during the sessions will the basis for student assessment. Fulfillment of the learning objectives will be evaluated throughout the course and aggregated in a summative assessment.

  • Students who miss more than three sessions will fail the process component of the class. Exceptions will only be granted with a not from a doctor or MIT Student Support Services or for religious holidays (advance notification required). Please note that even if an exception is granted, the grade may be affected.
  • Students who do not submit all deliverables of the main assignment on time will fail the product component of the class. Extensions will only be granted with a not from a doctor or MIT Student Support Services. Please note that even if an extension is granted, the grade may be affected.