Playful Augmented Reality Audio Design Exploration

Rainbow visualization of an audio wave.

In this course, students design augmented reality experiences based on audio. (Image courtesy of Mick Lissone. License: CC0 Public Domain.)


MIT Course Number

CMS.S63 / CMS.S99

As Taught In

Fall 2019


Undergraduate / Graduate

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Course Description

Course Features

Course Description

Students explore augmented reality audio through the design and evaluation of prototypes. Participants will probe design space and illuminate creative possibilities. This includes productive, playful, and social applications, as well as the intersection between games and music. The course builds understanding of the limitations and strengths of iterative design and rapid prototyping as research methods, familiarizes students with the theoretical foundations of design exploration, and practices working with physical and digital materials.

Related Content

Mikael Jakobsson, and Philip Tan. CMS.S63 Playful Augmented Reality Audio Design Exploration. Fall 2019. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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