1 | Introduction to Digital Humanities Sample DH Projects In–Class Activity
| ReadingsSchnapp, Jeffrey. "Digital Humanities Fundamentals" and "The Project as Basic Unit." In A Short Guide to the Digital_Humanities. SG2–SG5.
AssignmentsAssignment 1 (PDF) |
2 | Data Mining of Open Content: The Artbot Project Guest Speakers: Desi Gonzalez and Liam Andrew from the CMS / Hyperstudio Data Mining and NER Exercises | ReadingsBush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." The Atlantic, July 1945. AssignmentsTools |
3 | Humanities Data: The Comedie–Française Registers Project (CFRP) From Written Records to Humanities Data Guest Speaker: Jeff Ravel, MIT History Department | Readingsboyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. "Six Provocations for Big Data." A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, September 2011. AssignmentsToolsDiverse basic Visualization Tools |
4 | Databases and Structures Narratives and Filters Work with CRFP Data | ReadingsBlair, Ann. "Information Overload: Then and Now." The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 28, 2010.
AssignmentsTools |
5 | GIS / Location Data Visualization I (Spatial Mapping) Data and its Interpretations Discussion of Final Projects | ReadingsDrucker, Johanna. "Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display." Digital Humanities Quarterly 5, no. 1 (2011). Rosenberg, Daniel, and Anthony Grafton. "Time in Print." Chapter 1 in Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline. Princeton Architectural Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781616890582. AssignmentsMoby Dick Mapping Materials (ZIP - 35.6MB) (This ZIP package contains 5 .jpeg files, 2 .txt files, 1 .ppt file, 1 .doc file, 1 .xls file, and 1 HTML document.) Tools |
6 | Data Visualization II (Time Mapping) Discussion of Final Projects (cont.) | ReadingsTufte, Edward R. "Color and Information." In Envisioning Information. Graphics Press, 1990. ISBN: 9780961392116. Few, Stephen. AssignmentsTools |
7 | Curation: From Museum Curation to Digital Curation Guest Speaker: Kristen Gresh, Photography Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Selection of Final Projects | ReadingsChitty, Andrew. "London Re-cut: Reclaiming History through the Co-curated Remixing of Film." Curator: The Museum Journal 54, no. 4 (October 2011): 413-418. Simon, Nina. "Principles of Participation." Reinventing the Museum: The Evolving Conversation on the Paradigm Shift. AltaMira Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780759119659. Assignments |
8 | Spring Break–No Class | AssignmentWork on Final Project Pitch Explore Ieraction between Technology and Public Spaces |
9 | Augmented Space and Design Process I Final Project Pitches Guest Speaker: Halsey Burgund, Artist and Mobile Developer | ReadingsManovich, Lev. "The Poetics of Augmented Space." 2012. Alexander, Jane, Jake Barton, et al. "Transforming the Art Museum Experience: Gallery One." MW2013: Museums and the Web 2013: The Annual Conference of Museums and the Web. April 17–20, 2013. "Human Centered Design Toolkit." Design Thinking Blog Listening. Assignments |
10 | Design Process II: Prototyping and Wireframing Guest Speaker: Frederico Casalegno, Mobile Experience Lab | ReadingsBrown, Dan. Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning. New Riders, 2010. ISBN: 9780321712462. [Preview with Google Books] Medero, Shawn. "Paper Prototyping." A List Apart. January 23, 2007. Assignments |
11 | Digital Humanities Debates, Frontiers, and Future Final Project In–Class Work Time | |
12 | Guest Speaker: Andy Stuhl, Digital Sound Studies & Sound Projects | Sterne, Jonathan and Mitchell Akiyama. "The Recording That Never Wanted to Be Heard and Other Stories of Sonification." The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies. Edited by Trevor Pinch and Karin Bijsterveld. Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199995813. |
13 | Final Project In–Class Work Time | Excerpts from Jenkins, Henry and Wyn Kelley. Reading in Participatory Culture: Remixing Moby-Dick in the English Classroom. Teachers College Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780807754016. |
14 | Final Project In–Class Work Time (cont.) | |
15 | Final Presentations |