1 | Course Introduction and Overview
| Barnhart, C., and K. Talluri. "Airline Operations Research."In Design and Operation of Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems. 1997, pp. 435-469. |
2-6 | Optimizing Flows on Networks
| Desrochers, M., and F. Soumis. "A Generalised Permanent Labelling Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem with Time Windows."INFOR 26, 3 (1988): 191-212. Barnhart, C., C. L. Hane, E. L. Johnson, and G. Sigismondi. "A Column Generation and Partitioning Approach for Multi-Commodity Flow Problems."Telecommunication Systems 3 (1995): 239-258. Barnhart, C., C. L. Hane, and P. H. Vance (to appear). "Using Branch-and-Price-and-Cut to Solve Origin-Destination Integer Multicommodity Problems."Operations Research 48, 2 (March-April 2000): 318-326. Barnhart, C., E. L. Johnson, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh, and P. H. Vance. "Branch-and-Price: Column Generation for Solving Huge Integer Programs."Operations Research 46, 3 (1998): 316-329. |
7 | The Passenger Mix Model
| Barnhart, C., C. L. Hane, E. L. Johnson, and G. Sigismondi. "A Column Generation and Partitioning Approach for Multi-Commodity Flow Problems."Telecommunication Systems 3 (1995): 239-258. Barnhart, C., C. L. Hane, and P. H. Vance (to appear). "Using Branch-and-Price-and-Cut to Solve Origin-Destination Integer Multicommodity Problems."Operations Research 48, 2 (March-April 2000): 318-326. Barnhart, C., E. L. Johnson, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh, and P. H. Vance. "Branch-and-Price: Column Generation for Solving Huge Integer Programs."Operations Research 46, 3 (1998): 316-329. Lohatepanont, M. "Passenger Mix Problem—portion of Ph.D. dissertation of Lohatepanont."Center for Transportation Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2001. |
8-11 | The Fleet Assignment Problem
| Hane, C. A., C. Barnhart, E. L. Johnson, R. E. Marsten, G. L. Nemhauser, and G. Sigismondi. "The Fleet Assignment Problem: Solving a Large-Scale Integer Program." Mathematical Programming 70, 2 (1995): 211-232. Barnhart, C., T. Kniker, and M. Lohatepanont. "Itinerary-Based Airline Fleet Assignment."2000. Transportation Science 36, 2 (May 2002): 199-217. Barnhart, C., A. Farahat, and M. Lohatepanont. "Airline Fleet Assignment: An Alternative Model and Solution Approach Based on Composite Variables."2001. Submitted to Operations Research (May 2001). Rexing, B., C. Barnhart, T. Kniker, A. Jarrah, and N. Krishnamurthy. "Airline Fleet Assignment with Time Windows."Transportation Science 34, 1 (2000): 1-20. |
12-13 | Review and Quiz | |
14-17 | Crew Scheduling, the Aircraft Routing Problem, and the Integrated Crew Pairing-Aircraft Routing Problem
| Anbil, R., C. Barnhart, L. Hatay, E. L. Johnson, and V. S. Ramakrishnan. "Crew Pairing Optimization at American Airlines Decision Technologies."In Optimization in Industry: Mathematical Programming and Modeling Techniques in Practice. Edited by T. Ciriano, and R. Leachman. England: John Wiley and Son, 1993, pp. 31-36. Barnhart, C., N. L. Boland, L. W. Clarke, E. L. Johnson, G. L. Nemhauser, and R. G. Shenoi. "Flight String Models for Aircraft Fleeting and Routing."Transportation Science 32, 3 (1998): 208-220. (Focused Issue on Airline Optimization). Barnhart, C., E. L. Johnson, G. L Nemhauser, and P. H. Vance. "Crew Scheduling."In Handbook of Transportation Science. Edited by Randolph W. Hall. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1999, pp. 493-521. Barnhart, C., E. L. Johnson, R. Anbil, and L. Hatay. "A Column Generation Technique for the Long-Haul Crew Assignment Problem."In Optimization in Industry: Volume II. Edited by T. Ciriano, and R. Leachman. England: John Wiley and Son, 1994, 7-22. Desrochers, M., and F. Soumis. "A Generalised Permanent Labelling Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem with Time Windows." INFOR 26, 3 (1988): 191-212. Cohn, A., and C. Barnhart. "Improving Crew Scheduling by Incorporating Key Maintenance Routing Decisions."2000. Operations Research 51, 3 (May-June 2003): 387-396. |
18 | Integrated Fleeting Models
| Barnhart, C., F. Lu, and R. Shenoi. "Integrated Airline Scheduling."In Operations Research in the Air Industry. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol. 9. Edited by Prof. Gang Yu. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 384-403. Barnhart, C., N. L. Boland, L. W. Clarke, E. L. Johnson, G. L. Nemhauser, and R. G. Shenoi. "Flight String Models for Aircraft Fleeting and Routing."Transportation Science 32, 3 (1998): 208-220. (Focused Issue on Airline Optimization). Klabjan Hand-out |
19-20 | The Schedule Design Problem
| Lohatepanont, M., and C. Barnhart. "Airline Schedule Planning: Integrated Models and Algorithms for Schedule Design and Fleet Assignment."2001. Transportation Science (June 2001). |
21-22 | Operations Recovery
| Bratu S., C. Barnhart. "Real Time Optimization Models to Recover Aircraft Schedules and Minimize Passenger Disruptions."MIT Working Paper, 2003. Jarrah, A., G. Yu, N. Krishnamurthy, and A. Rakshit. "A Decision Support Framework for Airline Flight Cancellations and Delays."Transportation Science 27, 3 (1993). Thengvall, B., Gang Y., and J. Bard. "Balancing User Preferences for Aircraft Schedule Recovery During Irregular Operations."IIE Transactions, 32 (1998): 181-193. |
23-24 | Robust Scheduling
| Ageeva, Y. "Approaches to Incorporating Robustness into Airline Scheduling."Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. Chebalov, S., and D. Klabjan. "Robust Airline Crew Scheduling: Move-up Crews."Proceedings of the 2002 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, 2002. Kang, L. S., and J. P. Clarke. "Degradable Airline Scheduling."Working paper, Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. Klabjan, D., A. J. Shaefer, E. L. Johnson, and G. L. Nemhauser. "Robust Airlines Crew Scheduling."White papers and reports series, the Logistics Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002. Rosenberger, J. M., E. L. Johnson, and G. L. Nemhauser. "A Robust Assignment Model with Hub Isolation and Short Cycles."White papers and reports series, the Logistics Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001. Schaefer, A. J., E. L. Johnson, A. J. Kleywegt, and G. L. Nemhauser. "Airline Crew Scheduling Under Uncertainty."White papers and reports series series, the Logistics Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001. Yen, J. W., and J. R. Birge. "A Stochastic Programming Approach to the Airline Crew Scheduling Problem."Submitted to Operations Research, 2001. Lan et al. Handout |
25-26 | Project Presentations and Reports |