1 | Course Introduction and Overview Airline Schedule Planning (PPT) |
2-6 | Optimizing Flows on Networks Multi-commodity Flows (PPT) Multi-commodity Network Flows: A Keypath Formulation (PPT) Multi-commodity Flows, Linear and Integer (PPT) |
7 | The Passenger Mix Problem (PPT) |
8-11 | The Fleet Assignment Problem (PPT) |
14-17 | Crew Scheduling, the Aircraft Routing Problem, and the Integrated Crew Pairing-Aircraft Routing Problem The Crew Scheduling Problem (PPT) Aircraft Maintenance Routing (PPT) The Extended Crew Pairing Problem with Aircraft Maintenance Routing (PPT) |
18 | Integrated Fleeting Models |
19 | The Schedule Design Problem (PPT) |
20-22 | Operations Recovery |
23-24 | Robust Scheduling New Approaches to Add Robustness into Airline Schedules (PPT) |