We'll finish the rest of the table-reads and then cover the "art" of editing and incorporating music into video. Please note that this will not be a techniques workshop (see the Equipment & Editing sections for tutorial resources), but rather a best practices-based workshop. We will also cover the resources available for music and navigating Creative Commons.
Part 1: Table-read
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 97MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 97MB)
Joshua's Table-read (00:00:00) | Joshua's Script (DOC) |
Kenneth's Table-read (00:14:15) | Kenneth's Script (DOC) |
Part 2: Post-production
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 232MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 232MB)
Video Chapters
- Introduction to post-production: Killing your darlings (00:00:00)
Introduction to post-production: Killing your darlings
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 232MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 232MB)
- Editing: Cuts and Transitions (00:24:55)
- Music (00:48:45)
- Creative Commons (1:57:10) (01:12:35)
- Questions and wrap up (2:01:50) (01:17:19)
In-class Media: Editing Case Studies
- MITK12Videos. "Engineering Trash Into Treasure (Science Out Loud S2 Ep4)." YouTube. November 6, 2014.
- MITK12Videos. "Why We Fart (Science Out Loud S2 Ep3)." October 30, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "How Computers Compute (Science Out Loud S2 Ep5)." November 13, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Engineering Engines (Science Out Loud S1 Ep 6)." June 30, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Engineering River Cleanups (Science Out Loud S2 Ep6)." November 24, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "The Physics of Skydiving (Science Out Loud S2 Ep1)." October 16, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Solving Biology's Mysteries with Plants (Science Out Loud S2 Ep2)." October 23, 2014. YouTube.
- Veritasium. "The Most Radioactive Places on Earth." December 17, 2004. YouTube.
- SciShow. "The 4 Most Irreplaceable Places." November 17, 2014. YouTube.
- TIME. "10 Questions for Neil deGrasse Tyson." June 27, 2008. YouTube.
- Max Schlickenmeyer. "The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson." March 2, 2012. YouTube.
In-class Media: Music Resources
- Creative Commons resources: CCmixter, FMA, SoundCloud, Incompetech, Jamendo
- Stock: Premium Beat, Pond5
- Video and images: Internet Archive, CDC PHIL, NASA, U.S. government sites
Daily Blog / Vlog Assignment
Upload what you created today on the class blog with any commentary about the process.
Finish editing your scripts and post to the Tumblr with day7script and your Kerberos ID.
Fill out the Midpoint Survey (PDF) sometime before the weekend!
Instructor and Student Work
Daily Blogs / Vlogs
- Elizabeth's day 7 blog
- Ceri's day 7 blog
- Joshua's day 7 blog
- Andrea's day 7 blog
- PJ's day 7 blog
- Yuliya's day 7 blog
Day 7 Scripts
- Joshua's day 7 script
- Andrea's day 7 script
- PJ's day 7 script
- Yuliya's day 7 script
- David's day 7 script