Guest lecturer Josh Gunn, founder of Planet Nutshell (an animation studio in Cambridge), will begin our discussion on visual storytelling. This will be an informal workshop on the use of animation and storyboarding.
Part 1: Animation
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 63MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 63MB)
- Animation is good when... (00:00:00)
- Examples of animation from Science Out Loud (00:14:54)
Examples of animation from Science Out Loud
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 63MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 63MB)
In-class Media
- storyofstuffproject. "Story of Stuff (2007, Official Version)." April 22, 2009. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Why We Fart (Science Out Loud S2 Ep 3)." October 30, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Solving Biology's Mysteries with Plants (Science Out Loud S2 Ep2)." October 23, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Engineering River Cleanups (Science Out Loud S2 Ep6)." November 24, 2014. YouTube.
- Planet Nutshell. "Accelerating Mass: F=ma." May 5, 2014. Vimeo. License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Part 2: Storyboarding
> Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 197MB)
> Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 197MB)
- Storyboarding (00:00:00)
- Workshop: Storyboarding example (00:28:24)
- Day 4 assignment and wrap-up (01:16:33)
In-class Media
- Daniel Garcia. "Pixar Storyboarding Mini Doc." March 20, 2013. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "How To Discover A New Planet (Science Out Loud S1 Ep 1)." May 12, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Growing Nanotube Forests (Science Out Loud S1 Ep5)." June 9, 2014. YouTube.
- MITK12Videos. "Why Do We Have Snot? (MIT Explains)." May 14, 2015. YouTube.
Daily Blog / Vlog Assignment
Upload a video, written blog post, pictures, etc. reflecting on insights gained from the workshop today on the class tumblr with #day4.
Upload the storyboard of your scene to the class blog with #day4storyboard and continue to work on your script.
Instructor and Student Work
Day 4 Blogs / Vlogs
- Elizabeth's day 4 blog
- Ceri's day 4 blog
- Kenneth's day 4 blog
- Joshua's day 4 blog
- Andrea's day 4 blog
- PJ's day 4 blog
- Nathan's day 4 blog
- Yuliya's day 4 blog
- David's day 4 blog
Day 4 Storyboard
- Kenneth's day 4 storyboard
- Joshua's day 4 storyboard
- Andrea's day 4 storyboard
- PJ's day 4 storyboard
- Nathan's day 4 storyboard
- Yuliya's day 4 storyboard
- David's day 4 storyboard