Resous Kreyòl Ayisyen

Haitian Kreyol important information on Coronavirus
Byenvini nan sit lang kreyòl Ayisyen an. Hesperian ap travay ak volontè yo pou kreye yon kote santral kote ou ka jwenn gid sante kominotè nou an ak lòt materyèl an kreyòl ayisyen. Ou kapab tou pataje pwòp pa ou depliyan, postè, ak lòt adaptasyon materyèl sante nou—si ou ta renmen patisipe oswa aprann plis sou inisyativ sa a, tanpri kontakte nou nan [email protected].

Resources in Haitian Kreyol

Welcome to the Haitian Kreyol language hub, a central place where you can find Hesperian community health guides and other materials in Haitian Kreyol. It is prohibited to sell or distribute these files in any format for profit without prior written consent from Hesperian and the translator. To use Hesperian materials in educational settings, please credit both Hesperian and the translator. Haitian Creole Zika information

Kote Ki Pa Gen Doktè


Liv santé ki plis itilize pa travayè swen sante yo, edikatè yo, ak lòt moun ki patisipe nan bay premye swen ak pwogram pwomosyon sante nan tout peyi yo.

Where There Is No Doctor, distributed by Hesperian

Premye Swen

This booklet has simple, easy-to-remember instructions for identifying and tending to over thirty different kinds of emergencies. Translated into Haitian Kreyol, it also includes strategies for establishing calm and a guide on emergency medicines.

Yon Liv Pou Fanmsaj

Yon resous enpòtan pou saj fanm k’ap pratike yo ak pwogram fòmasyon saj fanm atravè mond lan. Liv sa a kouvri pwen esansyèl sou swen anvan, pandan, ak apre akouchman. Yon mizajou pou reflete nouvo gid OMS/ UNICEF yo pou manman ak tibebe ki fenk fèt yo.

A Book for Midwives, distributed by Hesperian

Kote Fanm Pa Jwenn Doktè

Tradwi pa APROSIFA

Yon resous esansyèl pou nenpòt fanm oubyen travayè santé ki vle amelyore sante li nan kominote li a, ak pou tout moun ki konnen pwoblèm ki afekte fanm yo diferan de gason yo. Sijè yo enkli repwodiktif santé, enkyetid nan ti fi ak fanm ki pi gran, vyolans, ak santé mantal.

Where Women Have No Doctor, translated by APROSIFA

Chapit avanse nan nouvo “Kote Ki Pa Gen Doktè”

Tradwi pa Chans Altènativ avek Health Empowering Humanity
Premye chapit ki te fèt nan lang kreyòl ayisyen nan 21yème syèk la sou piblikasyon hallmark Hesperian nan, sou bebe ki fèk fèt, ti bebe ak bay tete.
Advance chapters of the NEW Where There Is No Doctor

Dlo ak Pwòpte: Pi plis pase tout sa nou ka panse

Liv sa a fè nou konnen ki jan nou ka fè katye nou, kay nou, dlo ak manje nou pi pwòp, menm si nou pa gen anpil lajan; konsa nou ka evite anpil maladi vin sou nou. 

Water and Sanitation: Keys to Staying Healthy, distributed by Hesperian

Asenisman ak pwopwete pou yon anviwonman sen

Tradwi pa SOIL

Chapit sa soti nan “Yon Gid Kominitè pou Sante Anviwonmantal”, ki se yon ti liv ki gen 48 paj ki bay enfòmasyon fondamantal sou konstriksyon twalèt ak aktivite edikatif pou ede kominite a konprann ak evite pwoblèm sante ki gen rapò ak asenisman.

Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, translated by SOIL

Sante pou tout moun leksik medikal an kreyòl, angle, franse ak panyòl

Pa MEDICC and Hesperian

Leksik sa tradwi tou tèm medikal enpòtan yo an kreyòl, franse, panyòl ak angle.

Health for All Medical Glossary in Spanish, Kreyòl, French and English
by MEDICC and Hesperian

Ki jan pou prevni KOLERA

Nou ka bay kolera yon bwa long kenbe lè nou sèvi ak bon jan pwòpte. Se pou nou trete dlo n ap sevi anvan nou bwè li, e anvan nou fè manje avè l. Se pou nou pran prekosyon nan fason n ap prepare e manyen manje.

Four page Cholera Factsheet, also available in English, Spanish, French, Bangla.

Pwoblèm Kè ak Tansyon

This booklet includes an overview of heart problems, information and guidance on nutrition and activities to lower blood pressure, how cholesterol affects the heart, how social conditions such as poverty, racism, and inequality affect heart health, and recommended medicines for various heart conditions.

Malarya, lafyèv deng, ak lòt maladi moustik bay

This booklet provides a comprehensive overview of mosquito-borne illnesses and offers examples of community-based disease prevention methods, including methods using chemical repellents and insecticides as well as organic substances and behavioral methods. It also explains which medicines can be of use and when drug treatment is useless.

Vaksen pwoteje nou kont maladi

This booklet provides information to help understand how vaccines work, who needs to be vaccinated, and when to do it. The illustrations and speech bubbles reflecting the process of getting and giving vaccinations make this booklet an accessible resource for health workers and community members alike.

Where There Is No Doctor

Hesperian Health Guides
1919 Addison Street, Suite 304
Berkeley, CA, 94704

Where Women Have No Doctor

Hesperian Health Guides
1919 Addison Street, Suite 304
Berkeley, CA, 94704

Where Women Have No Doctor

Ms. RoseAnne Auguste
122, Route des Dalles
Port au Prince, HAITI
Tel: 509-23-5569

A Book For Midwives- New Edition

Nadene Brunk
Midwives For Haiti
Notes: In Progress

Where There Is No Dentist

Mr. John Rigdon
Eastern Digital Resources
31 Bramblewood Dr. SW
Cartersville, GA  30120
Tel: 678 739-9177
admin [at]
Notes: In Progress

Where There Is No Doctor

Mr. Rudolph Magloire
International Child Care Center
Grace Children's Hospital
Port au Prince, HAITI
Tel: 509-246-1060
Fax: 509-246-4104
Notes: Out of Print

A Community Guide to Environmental Health

Monica Dyer
Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)
3251 Morcom Avenue
Oakland, CA 94619
Notes: In Progress