Word 2007
Saving Documents
To Save As a Word 97 - 2003 document:
- Click the Microsoft Office Button.
- Select Save As Word 97-2003 Document.
- Select the location where you wish to save the document using the drop-down menu.
- Enter a name for the document.
- Click the Save button.
To download the PDF extension:
- Click the Microsoft Office Button.
- Select Save As Find add-ins for other file formats. This will open your web browser to the Microsoft site.
- Follow the instructions on the Microsoft site for downloading the extension.
To save as a PDF:
- Click the Microsoft Office Button.
- Select Save As PDF. The Save As dialog box will appear.
- Select the location where you wish to save the document using the drop-down menu.
- Enter a name for the document.
- Click the Publish button.