In this series of challenges, you will create a presentation about how you spend your free time. PowerPoint is a great program, and it allows you to be creative with the way you display information, so have fun!
- Open PowerPoint.
- Choose a slide with a title and subtitle placeholder.
- Type the title How I Spend My Free Time.
- Format the title using a 44-point Arial font. Make the title bold and in a color other than default black.
- Type a subtitle with your name or GCF user name and today's date.
- Format the subtitle using a 28-point Arial font.
- Insert a Title and Text placeholder slide.
- Type the title My Hobbies Are... on that slide.
- Type at least three things you like to do in your free time in the bulleted list text placeholder.
- Insert a blank slide.
- Add a text box, and type some information about the first item in your bulleted list that is on the previous slide, My Hobbies Are...
- Format slides 2 and 3 with whatever font and font size you wish.
For example:
- Apply a design template to your presentation if you want.
- Save your presentation as My Hobbies and close PowerPoint.