Now that we know how to set up problems with decimals, let's practice by solving a few. First, we'll work on adding. If you feel comfortable adding larger numbers, you're ready to add decimal numbers.
Click through the slideshow to learn how to add decimals.
Let's try solving this problem: 1.9 + 2.15.
First, we'll make sure the decimals are lined up.
We'll start by adding the digits farthest to the right. In this case, we have nothing on top and 5 on the bottom.
Nothing plus 5 equals 5. We'll write 5 beneath the line.
Now we'll add the next set of digits to the left: 9 and 1.
9 + 1 equals 10, but there's no room to write both digits in 10 underneath the 9 and 1. We'll have to carry.
We learned how to carry numbers in the lesson on Adding Two- and Three-Digit Numbers.
We'll write the right digit, 0, under the line...
We'll write the right digit, 0, under the line...then we'll carry the left digit, 1, up to the next set of digits in the problem.
Now we'll write the decimal point. We'll place it directly beneath the other two decimal points.
Next, we'll move left to add the next set of digits: 1 and 2. Since we carried the 1, we'll add it too.
1 + 1 + 2 equals 4. We'll write 4 below the line.
We're done. 1.9 + 2.15 = 4.05. We can read this answer as four and five-hundredths.
Let's try it with a money problem: $51.99 + $25.32.
We'll make sure our decimal points are lined up properly.
As always, we'll start by adding the digits on the right. Here, that's 9 and 2.
9 + 2 equals 11, so it looks like we'll have to carry.
The 1 on the right stays underneath the 9 and the 2.
We'll carry the 1 on the left and place it above the next set of digits to the left.
Now we'll move left to add the next set of digits. Since we carried the 1, we'll add it too.
1 + 9 + 3 = 13.
We'll put the 3 under the digits we added.
We'll carry the 1 and place it above the next column to the left.
Now it's time to write the decimal point. Remember to place it directly beneath the other two decimal points.
Next, we'll move left and add the next set of digits. We'll make sure to add the 1 we carried.
1 + 1 + 5 = 7. We'll write 7 beneath the line.
To finish, we'll add the next column to the left: 5 and 2.
5 + 2 equals 7. We'll write 7 underneath the 2.
We'll finish by writing the dollar sign ($).
We're done. $51.99 + $25.32 = $77.31. We can read this answer as seventy-seven dollars and thirty-one cents.
