Cosmology & Astronomy Tutor
Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe
Life and death of stars
Plate tectonics
History of life on earth
Revise & Test
Workshops, Labs and Simulations
Scale of the large
Scale of the small
Scale of earth and sun
Scale of earth and sun
Scale of distance to closest stars
Scale of the galaxy
Intergalactic scale
Hubble image of galaxies
Time scale of the cosmos
Cosmological time scale 1
Cosmological time scale 2
Light and fundamental forces
Introduction to light
Four fundamental forces
Big bang and expansion of the universe
Big bang introduction
Radius of observable universe
Radius of observable universe (correction)
Cosmic background radiation
Cosmic background radiation 2
Red shift
Life and death of stars
Birth of stars
Accreting mass due to gravity simulation
Becoming a red giant
White and black dwarfs
Star field and nebula images
Lifecycle of massive stars
Supernova (supernovae)
Supernova clarification
Black holes
Supermassive black holes
Quasars and galactic collisions
Quasar correction
Galactic collisions
Stellar parallax
Parallax in observing stars
Stellar parallax
Stellar distance using parallax
Stellar parallax clarification
Parsec definition
Cepheid variables
Cepheid variables 1
Why cepheids pulsate
Why gravity gets so strong near dense objects
Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics: Difference between crust and lithosphere
Structure of the earth
Plate tectonics: Evidence of plate movement
Plate tectonics: Geological features of divergent plate boundaries
Plate tectonics: Geological features of convergent plate boundaries
Plates moving due to convection in mantle
Hawaiian islands formation
Compositional and mechanical layers of the earth
How we know about the earth's core
Seismic waves and how we know earth's structure
Seismic waves
Why S-waves only travel in solids
Refraction of seismic waves
The mohorovicic seismic discontinuity
Earth's rotation and tilt
Seasons aren't dictated by closeness to sun
How Earth's tilt causes seasons
Are southern hemisphere seasons more severe?
Milankovitch cycles precession and obliquity
Precession causing perihelion to happen later
What causes precession and other orbital changes
Apsidal precession (perihelion precession) and Milankovitch cycles
Moon phases and eclipses
The Moon
Solar and lunar eclipses
History of life on earth
Earth formation
Beginnings of life
Ozone layer and eukaryotes show up in the Proterozoic eon
Biodiversity flourishes in Phanerozoic eon
First living things on land clarification
Humanity on earth
Human evolution overview
Understanding calendar notation
Correction calendar notation
Development of agriculture and writing
Firestick farming in early Australia
Collective learning
Agriculture and human population
Thomas Malthus and population growth in 1798
Energy inputs for tilling a hectare of land
Random predictions for 2060
Measuring age on earth
Chronometric revolution
Carbon 14 dating 1
Carbon 14 dating 2
Potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating
K-Ar dating calculation
Life in the universe
Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 1
Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 2
Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 3
Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 4
Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 5
Self Test
Cosmology & Astronomy 1
Cosmology & Astronomy 2
Cosmology & Astronomy 3
Labs & Simulations
Our Solar System
Celestial Sphere & Analema
E Horizon Star Motion
N Horizon Star Motion
S Horizon Star Motion
W Horizon Star Motion
Earth & Moon in 3D
Earth Phases Model
Galoleo's Sun Spots
How High The Moon
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Month
Ptolemy's Mars, Jupiter Orbits
Ptolemy's Model Of The Inner Planets
Simply move the mouse over the subject headings above to expand the menus and then move to the the subject of your choice and click the left mouse button.