PHYS101: Certificate Final Exam

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The exact result of calculations can depend on the precision and accuracy of physical constants and unit conversions you use, as well as the number of significant figures you retain throughout the calculation. For example, in most cases, approximating pi as 3.14 is adequate, rather than using 3.14159265…. No problem has competing answers which are close enough numerically to become confused by such influences; if an answer says 13.6 seconds and your answer is 13.4 seconds, that is a match. There is usually a simple approach to answering the problems and a horde of difficult approaches. Sketches of geometry problems are often helpful. Even more so is outlining how to solve a problem before vigorously attacking it. When done, ask yourself if the answer makes sense and check the units of the quantities. You will have 2 hours to take the exam. If you get bogged down on a particular question, it is best to skip it and come back to it later, time permitting.

Good luck!

Essential details:
  • You will have two (2) hours to complete this exam
  • You must wait 7 days between consecutive attempts of this exam
  • Exam questions are distributed across multiple pages
  • Exam questions will have several plausible options; be sure to pick the answer that best satisfies each part of the question
  • Your answers are saved each time you move to another page in the exam
  • You can answer the questions in any order
  • You can go directly to any question by clicking its number in the navigation panel
  • You can flag a question to remind yourself to return to it later
  • You will receive your grade as soon as you submit your answers
  • The passing grade is 70% or higher

Time limit: 2 hours

Grading method: Highest grade

Grade to pass: 7.00 out of 10.00