Compare Rhetorical Appeals

In this practice exercise, write an essay of 500 to 750 words that examines the use of the rhetorical appeals in the two sources you read about the Statue of Liberty: Emma Lazarus' "The New Colossus" and Dan Sanchez's "Mass Producing Huddled Masses".

Your essay should address these questions:

  1. Which work uses rhetorical strategies more effectively?
  2. Which rhetorical strategy is more powerful in terms of supporting the author's claim or main idea?

Support your argument with specific examples from each work.

We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum so that your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count towards your grade.

Grading method: Highest grade