
These exercises further expand the key principles in this chapter. If you are a computer professional, you will enjoy the challenges and higher-level discussions in this section. For the novice, just wander through the presentations and spend more time on the topics that are meaningful to you.

It will take a significant amount of time for you to finish these exercises. We recommend that you schedule 4 hours and attempt a few challenging exercises.

3.5 Exercises

This section contains several exercises and small challenges about the application layer protocols.

3.5.1 The Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) plays a key role in the Internet today as it allows applications to use fully qualified domain names (FQDN) instead of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Many tools allow to perform queries through DNS servers. For this exercise, we will use dig which is installed on most Unix systems.

A typical usage of dig is as follows

dig @server -t type fqdn


  • server is the IP address or the name of a DNS server or resolver
  • type is the type of DNS record that is requested by the query such as NS for a nameserver, A for an IPv4 address, AAAA for an IPv6 address, MX for a mail relay, ...
  • fqdn is the fully qualified domain name being queried

1. What are the IP addresses of the resolvers that the dig implementation you are using relies on?

2. What is the IP address that corresponds to inl.info.ucl.ac.be ? Which type of DNS query does dig send to obtain this information ?

3. Which type of DNS request do you need to send to obtain the nameservers that are responsible for a given domain ?

4. What are the nameservers that are responsible for the be top-level domain ? Where are they located ? Is it possible to use IPv6 to query them ?

5. When run without any parameter, dig queries one of the root DNS servers and retrieves the list of the the names of all root DNS servers. For technical reasons, there are only 13 different root DNS servers. This information is also available as a text file from http://www.internic.net/zones/named.root What are the IP addresses of all these servers. Can they be queried by using IPv6 23 ?

6. Assume now that you are residing in a network where there is no DNS resolver and that you need to start your query from the DNS root.

    • Use dig to send a query to one of these root servers to find the IP address of the DNS server(s) (NS record) responsible for the org top-level domain
    • Use dig to send a query to one of these DNS servers to find the IP address of the DNS server(s) (NS record) responsible for root-servers.org‘
    • Continue until you find the server responsible for www.root-servers.org
    • What is the lifetime associated to this IP address ?

7. Perform the same analysis for a popular website such as www.google.com. What is the lifetime associated to this IP address ? If you perform the same request several times, do you always receive the same answer ? Can you explain why a lifetime is associated to the DNS replies ?

8. Use dig to find the mail relays used by the uclouvain.be and gmail.com domains. What is the TTL of these records (use the +ttlid option when using dig) ? Can you explain the preferences used by the MX records. You can find more information about the MX records in RFC 974

9. Use dig to query the IPv6 address (DNS record AAAA) of the following hosts

10. When dig is run, the header section in its output indicates the id the DNS identifier used to send the query. Does your implementation of dig generates random identifiers ?

dig -t MX gmail.com
; <<>> DiG 9.4.3-P3 <<>>
-t MX gmail.com
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25718

11. A DNS implementation such as dig and more importantly a name resolver such as bind or unbound, always checks that the received DNS reply contains the same identifier as the DNS request that it sent. Why is this so important ?

    • Imagine an attacker who is able to send forged DNS replies to, for example, associate www.bigbank.com to his own IP address. How could he attack a DNS implementation that
      • sends DNS requests containing always the same identifier
      • sends DNS requests containing identifiers that are incremented by one after each request
      • sends DNS requests containing random identifiers

12. The DNS protocol can run over UDP and over TCP. Most DNS servers prefer to use UDP because it consumes fewer resources on the server. However, TCP is useful when a large answer is expected or when a large answer must. You can force the utilisation of TCP by using dig +tcp. Use TCP and UDP to query a root DNS server. Is it faster to receive an answer via TCP or via UDP ?

3.5.2 Internet email protocols

Many Internet protocols are ASCII-based protocols where the client sends requests as one line of ASCII text terminated by CRLF and the server replies with one of more lines of ASCII text. Using such ASCII messages has several advantages compared to protocols that rely on binary encoded messages

  • the messages exchanged by the client and the server can be easily understood by a developer or network engineer by simply reading the messages
  • it is often easy to write a small prototype that implements a part of the protocol
  • it is possible to test a server manually by using telnet Telnet is a protocol that allows to obtain a terminal on a remote server. For this, telnet opens a TCP connection with the remote server on port 23. However, most telnet implementations allow the user to specify an alternate port as telnet hosts port When used with a port number as parameter, telnet opens a TCP connection to the remote host on the specified port. telnet can thus be used to test any server using an ASCII-based protocol on top of TCP. Note that if you need to stop a running telnet session, Ctrl-C will not work as it will be sent by telnet to the remote host over the TCP connection. On many telnet implementations you can type Ctrl-] to freeze the TCP connection and return to the telnet interface.

1. Assume that Alice sends an email from her alice@yahoo.com account to Bob who uses bob@yahoo.com. Which protocols are involved in the transmission of this email ?

2. Same question when Alice sends an email to her friend Trudy, trudy@gmail.com.

3. Before the advent of webmail and feature rich mailers, email was written and read by using command line tools on servers. Using your account on sirius.info.ucl.ac.be use the /bin/mail command line tool to send an email to yourself on this host. This server stores local emails in the /var/mail directory with one file per user. Check with /bin/more the content of your mail file and try to understand which lines have been added by the server in the header of your email

4. Use your preferred email tool to send an email message to yourself containing a single line of text. Most email tools have the ability to show the source of the message, use this function to look at the message that you sent and the message that you received. Can you find an explanation for all the lines that have been added to your single line email 24 ?

5. The first version of the SMTP protocol was defined in RFC 821. The current standard for SMTP is defined in RFC 5321 Considering only RFC 821 what are the main commands of the SMTP protocol 25 ?

6. When using SMTP, how do you recognise a positive reply from a negative one ?

7. A SMTP server is a daemon process that can fail due to a bug or lack of resources (e.g. memory). Network administrators often install tools 26 that regularly connect to their servers to check that they are operating correctly. A simple solution is to open a TCP connection on port 25 to the SMTP server’s host 27 . If the connection is established, this implies that there is a process listening. What is the reply sent by the SMTP server when you type the following command ?

telnet cnp3.info.ucl.ac.be 25

Warning : Do not try this on a random SMTP server. The exercises proposed in this section should only be run on the SMTP server dedicated for these exercises : cnp3.info.ucl.ac.be. If you try them on a production SMTP server, the administrator of this server may become angry.

1. Continue the SMTP session that you started above by sending the greetings command (HELO followed by the fully qualified domain name of your host) and terminate the session by sending the QUIT command.

2. The minimum SMTP session above allows to verify that the SMTP is running. However, this does not always imply that mail can be delivered. For example, large SMTP servers often use a database to store all the email addresses that they serve. To verify the correct operation of such a server, one possibility is to use the VRFY command. Open a SMTP session on the lab’s SMTP server (cnp3.info.ucl.ac.be) and use this command to verify that your account is active.

3. Now that you know the basics of opening and closing an SMTP session, you can now send email manually by using the MAIL FROM:, RCPT TO: and DATA commands. Use these commands to manually send an email to INGI2141@cnp3.info.ucl.ac.be . Do not forget to include the From:, To: and Subject: lines in your header.

1. By using SMTP, is it possible to send an email that contains exactly the following ASCII art ?




1. Most email agents allow you to send email in carbon-copy (cc:) and also in blind-carbon-copy (bcc:) to a recipient. How does a SMTP server supports these two types of recipients ?

2. In the early days, email was read by using tools such as /bin/mail or more advanced text-based mail readers such as pine or elm . Today, emails are stored on dedicated servers and retrieved by using protocols such as POP_ or IMAP. From the user’s viewpoint, can you list the advantages and drawbacks of these two protocols ?

3. The TCP protocol supports 65536 different ports numbers. Many of these port numbers have been reserved for some applications. The official repository of the reserved port numbers is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) on http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers 28 . Using this in- formation, what is the default port number for the POP3 protocol ? Does it run on top of UDP or TCP?

4. The Post Office Protocol (POP) is a rather simple protocol described in RFC 1939. POP operates in three phases. The first phase is the authorization phase where the client provides a username and a password. The second phase is the transaction phase where the client can retrieve emails. The last phase is the update phase where the client finalises the transaction. What are the main POP commands and their parameters ? When a POP server returns an answer, how can you easily determine whether the answer is positive or negative ?

5. On smartphones, users often want to avoid downloading large emails over a slow wireless connection. How could a POP client only download emails that are smaller than 5 KBytes ?

6. Open a POP session with the lab’s POP server (nostromo.info.ucl.ac.be) by using the username and pass- word that you received. Verify that your username and password are accepted by the server.

7. The lab’s POP server contains a script that runs every minute and sends two email messages to your account if your email folder is empty. Use POP to retrieve these two emails and provide the secret message to your teaching assistant.

3.5.3 The HyperText Transfer Protocol

1. What are the main methods supported by the first version of the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) defined in RFC 1945 29 ? What are the main types of replies sent by a http server 30 ?

2. System administrators who are responsible for web servers often want to monitor these servers and check that they are running correctly. As a HTTP server uses TCP on port 80, the simplest solution is to open a TCP connection on port 80 and check that the TCP connection is accepted by the remote host. However, as HTTP is an ASCII-based protocol, it is also very easy to write a small script that downloads a web page on the server and compares its content with the expected one. Use telnet to verify that a web server is running on host rembrandt.info.ucl.ac.be 31

3. Instead of using telnet on port 80, it is also possible to use a command-line tool such as curl Use curl with the –trace-ascii tracefile option to store in tracefile all the information exchanged by curl when accessing the server.

  • what is the version of HTTP used by curl ?
  • can you explain the different headers placed by curl in the request?
  • can you explain the different headers found in the response ?

4. HTTP 1.1, specified in RFC 2616 forces the client to use the Host: in all its requests. HTTP 1.0 does not define the Host: header, by most implementations support it. By using telnet and curl retrieve the first page of the http://totem.info.ucl.ac.be webserver by sending http requests with and without the Host: header. Explain the difference between the two 32 .

5. By using dig and curl , determine on which physical host the http://www.info.ucl.ac.be, http://inl.info.ucl.ac.be and http://totem.info.ucl.ac.be are hosted

6. Use curl with the –trace-ascii filename to retrieve http://www.google.com . Explain what a browser such as firefox would do when retrieving this URL.

7. The headers sent in a HTTP request allow the client to provide additional information to the server. One of these headers is the Language header that allows to indicate the preferred language of the client 33 . For example, curl -HAccept-Language:en http://www.google.be’ will send to ‘http://www.google.be a HTTP request indicating English (en) as the preferred language. Does google provide a different page in French (fr) and Walloon (wa) ? Same question for http://www.uclouvain.be (given the size of the homepage, use diff to compare the different pages retrieved from www.uclouvain.be)

8. Compare the size of the http://www.yahoo.com and http://www.google.com web pages by downloading them with curl

9. What is a http cookie ? List some advantages and drawbacks of using cookies on web servers.

10. You are now responsible for the http://www.belgium.be. The government has built two datacenters contain- ing 1000 servers each in Antwerp and Namur. This website contains static information and your objective is to balance the load between the different servers and ensures that the service remains up even if one of the datacenters is disconnected from the Internet due to flooding or other natural disasters. What are the techniques that you can use to achieve this goal ?

Source: Olivier Bonaventure, https://s3.amazonaws.com/saylordotorg-resources/wwwresources/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Computer-Networking-Principles-Bonaventure-1-30-31-OTC1.pdf
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Last modified: Monday, August 24, 2020, 9:05 PM