LiDA103 Edubit Instructions

Download print version of Assessment and rubrics for LiDA103 (pdf)

You must complete three tasks for this Edubit assessment:

Task 1Pass an online competency test to demonstrate knowledge of copyright and open licensing in a global digital context.
Task 2Apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and legal remix compatibility in a global digital context.
Task 3Analyse the potential of open education approaches for learning in a digital age.

Consult the respective assessment rubric before you complete the tasks.

Task 1: Interpret knowledge of copyright, open licensing and remix compatibility within in a global digital context

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Demonstrate my knowledge of the scope, ownership, rights, protections, exceptions and transfer of rights associated with copyright in a digital world.
  2. Demonstrate my knowledge of international agreements and treaties which impact on how national copyright functions across international boundaries in a digital word.
  3. Understand the relationship between open licensing and the public domain, copyright and the commons.
  4. Distinguish between the licensing elements of the six Creative Commons licenses.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of how Creative Commons licenses operate in a global digital world.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of remix compatibility of open licenses for derivative works.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided:

  1. A copy of my results of successfully completing a competency test demonstrating knowledge of copyright, open licensing and remix compatibility in a global digital context.

Details of competency test

  1. The competency test is an online proctored examination comprising:
    • Ten (10) True / False questions on copyright
    • Ten (1) True / False questions on the Public Domain and Creative Commons licenses.
    • Fifteen (15) multiple choice (one correct option) or multi-choice (more than one correct option) questions on copyright
    • Fifteen (15) multiple choice (one correct option) or multi-choice (more than one correct option) questions on the public Domain, Creative Commons and remix compatibility.
  2. You are allowed 45 minutes to take the test.
  3. How to submit evidence of your competency test results: (Link to be provided soon.)
  4. Registration details: (Link to be provided soon.)
  5. Examples of representative items are provided below:

True / False example

  • You are not breaking copyright law when you express an idea or fact in your own words.

Multiple choice example

This is a multiple choice question. There is one (1) correct answer.

  • In addition to attributing the author, users of a CC-BY license may …

Task 2: Apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and legal remix compatibility in a global digital context

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Locate openly licensed works for reuse.
  2. Legally use openly licensed works to make resources open and shareable.
  3. Reflect on the application of knowledge of legal remix compatibility, attribution requirements and licensing when publishing derivative works online.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided the following:

  1. A blog post of approximately 400 words on a topical concept or interesting idea, for example, a hobby or personal interest, This must:
    • Incorporate text you can legally copy.
    • Include works from a minimum of three (3) different Creative Commons licenses or open usage declarations, for example text, images, animations, audio or video.
    • Apply a Creative Commons License for the derivative work which meets the legal requirements for remix compatibility.
    • Demonstrate the minimum requirements and best practices for attribution as required by the legal code of the Creative Commons licenses.
  2. A short reflection of approximately 150 words based on your experiences in completing this task. This must include:
    • What is your recommended CC license and how did the resources you selected impact on your final license choice for the derivative work?
    • Who owns the copyright of your blog post? Justify your answer.
    • Justified recommendations for your preferred open license.
    • Any other reflections or observations worth sharing.

(Please submit the url to a publicly accessible version of your blog post. Ensure that you have made your post public in the editing settings of your preferred blog software (unlisted or draft posts will not be visible to the public). You can test the blog url link before submitting using your browser’s private or incognito mode to ensure that the assessor can access the resources without login credentials. For more information consult incognito browsing published by Lifewire).

Task 3: Analyse the potential of open education approaches for learning in a digital age

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Explain a dimension of open education practice and its potential benefits for learning in a digital age.
  2. Review the state of implementation of an open practice within a selected context.
  3. Identify successes and challenges to successful implementation of an open practice for a particular context.
  4. Provide recommendations for improving the implementation of an open practice in a selected context in support of learning in a digital age

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided the following:

  1. A report of approximately 400 words providing recommendations for improving the implementation of one (1) dimension of openness (e.g open access, free and open source software, open textbooks, open policy, open business models or open educational practices) for learning in a particular context. The report must:
    • Explain the key characteristics of a dimension of openness and how it supports learning in a digital age (100 words)
    • Summarise the successes and challenges to implementation of the dimension of openness in a given context, e.g. country, organisation or field of interest (150 words).
    • Provide recommendations for improving the current implementation of the open practice in the given context (150 words.)
    • Provide supporting references from credible online resources using the APA style. (Consult APA style published by the University of Canterbury.)

Last modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 3:25 PM