
Before attempting to define digital citizenship let's consider the concept of citizenship in its own right. In its simplest form, citizenship refers to the rights, privileges and duties of being a national citizen. However, the concept of being a good citizen encompasses much more, particularly if you think about full engagement as a member of society.

Human emoticons.jpgCitizenship is a status that is bestowed on those who are full members of a community.
—T.H. Marshall


If good citizenship means to fulfill your role as citizen, can you think of five things good citizens do? Consider the following questions:

    • In a digital world is loyalty to your country a necessary component of the definition of good citizenship?
    • Is education a pre-requisite for good citizenship?
    • In a digital world, what does it mean to be a global citizen? Read the Wikipedia article on Global Citizenship Education where learners engage in solving real world problems.
    • Has the concept of good citizenship changed over time? In what ways?
    • Does citizenship require active community engagement? Read this post by Kristen Mattson, director of a high school library media center: John Dewey Would Hate Your Digital Citizenship Curriculum.
    • Why has the concept digital been linked with citizenship or should we drop the word digital and just talk about good citizenship?

Personal Description of Digital Citizenship

  1. Write down a description of “digital citizenship” in your own words. (You will need this later for the learning challenge for this pathway. It does not need to be a scholarly definition – just your personal thoughts on the concept.)
  2. Optional. If you like, If you like, please share your personal description of digital citizenship by posting a comment on the course forum. It will be interesting to see what members of our learning community think. For example: For me, digital citizenship is …

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

Last modified: Wednesday, January 30, 2019, 3:31 PM