LiDA102 Edubit Instructions

Download print version of Assessment description and rubrics for LiDA102 (pdf)

You must complete four tasks for this Edubit assessment:

Task 1Develop a positive online identity appropriate for a professional or formal learning community
Task 2Explain what digital literacies mean for you in a tertiary education context
Task 3Produce an editorial documenting a contemporary societal issue on the internet and its implications for interpersonal communications
Task 4Assess your learning as a reflective digital online learner

Consult the respective assessment rubric before you complete the tasks.

Task 1: Develop a positive online identity appropriate for a professional or formal learning community

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Explain digital citizenship and what it means for my formal learning context.
  2. Gather evidence to review my digital footprint identifying areas for improvement.
  3. Provide published examples of my current online identity and digital footprint for a professional or formal learning context.
  4. Reflect on how I have developed my online identity to support learning.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided:

  1. An explanation of what digital citizenship means based on my reading of the literature and credible online resources with supporting references in APA style (maximum 150 words)
  2. A description of what digital citizenship means for your formal learning (maximum 50 words).
  3. Evidence of incorporating the findings of my digital footprint audit to develop my online identity. (Consult activity to conduct an audit of your digital footprint.)
  4. Examples of my current online identity:
    1. Links to two (2) public profile pages that you have published, providing information on your current online identity suitable for a professional or formal learning context. Provide a short summary (about 100 words) of the privacy and security considerations you took into account when publishing your profile pages.
    2. A minimum of five (5) annotated examples, which provide evidence of your online digital footprint contributing to a positive digital identity in support of your learning; for example, links to open communications with your personal learning network, or social media posts, relating to learning or professional issues.
    3. A short explanation (1-2 sentences) on how each example in 4.2 above contributes to building a positive online identity, taking best practice for privacy, security and interpersonal communications into account.
  5. A reflection on how you developed your online identity (maximum 200 words) drawing on the key findings from your digital footprint audit citing different platform sources.

(Please submit the url to a publicly accessible version of your blog post. Ensure that you have made your post public in the editing settings of your preferred blog software (unlisted or draft posts will not be visible to the public). You can test the blog url link before submitting using your browser’s private or incognito mode to ensure that the assessor can access the resources without login credentials. For more information consult incognito browsing published by Lifewire).

Task 2: Review a digital online tool, including considerations for security, privacy and learning in a digital age

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Analyse the business context for a software as a service (SaaS) online tool.
  2. Review the terms of service for the SaaS tool, taking security and privacy into account.
  3. Evaluate if the SaaS tool is “fit for purpose”
  4. Publish a product review on my blog.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided a product review published as a blog post of approximately 450 – 600 words. This must include:

  1. A statement of your intended purpose for the SaaS tool.
  2. Hyperlinks to relevant web pages.
  3. References where appropriate using the APA style. (Consult APA style published by the University of Canterbury.)
  4. A disclaimer or disclosure if you have any association with the company or tool.
  5. A summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the tool covering the following points:
    • An analysis of the business context for the tool. Points to consider:: Who owns the tool? Who is the tool maker? Who is the CEO? What is the tool’s history? What is the business model? How do they generate revenue? How do they market themselves? What is their market positioning / point of difference? Who are the competitors? What do others say about the product? Are these product reviews reliable? (Maximum 250 words)
    • A review of the terms of service with particular reference to security and privacy. Points to consider: What are the terms of service and are they easy to find? What personal data is required to use the tool? Who owns the data? How is it protected? Where is the data housed? Does the tool support open licensing of user generated data? How is user generated content distributed by the company? What license does the user assign to the company for distributing to third parties? Can users delete their accounts or leave the service? Can users export their data and what formats are used? Can personal information be shared with third parties, and if so under what conditions? Can the company terminate user accounts, and if so, under what conditions? How are changes to terms of service managed? (Maximum 250 words)
    • An evaluation of whether the tool is “fit for purpose”. Points to consider: Is the tool suitable for your intended purpose? How does the design of the tool influence what users can do with the tool? Does the tool provide support resources? Do others provide help and advice on using the tool on the open web? What are the implications of the tool to support learning in a digital age? (Maximum 150 words)

(Please submit the url to a publicly accessible version of your blog post. Ensure that you have made your post public in the editing settings of your preferred blog software (unlisted or draft posts will not be visible to the public). You can test the blog url link before submitting using your browser’s private or incognito mode to ensure that the assessor can access the resources without login credentials. For more information consult incognito browsing published by Lifewire).

Task 3: Produce an editorial documenting a contemporary societal issue on the internet and its implications for interpersonal communications

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Analyse a societal issue, or problematic behaviour, that has emerged in the digital world.
  2. Advise on the implications for digital citizens and interpersonal online communications.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

In this task you will analyse a societal issue you have selected associated with the Internet or problematic online behaviour to publish an editorial. Select, for example: Net neutrality, online impersonation, internet trolling, online harassment, psychological issues, digital redlining, equity and inclusion, cyberchondria, surveillance capitalism etc.

I have provided an editorial on my blog (400 – 500 words) analysing a societal issue or problematic behavior associated with the Internet. This must:

  1. Adhere to the conventions of an editorial. Please note you can choose the type of editorial, for e.g. explaining, criticising, persuading or praising.
  2. Implement the following structure: Introduction – a thesis paragraph to introduce the editorial and catch the reader’s attention; Body – an objective explanation of the issue, for example, stating the opposing argument, evidence to refute the opposition. Implications – states implications and provides advice for interpersonal online communications and digital citizenship; and Conclusion – implications for learning in a digital age, or your current professional role (if appropriate).
  3. Include a minimum of four (4) supporting links to relevant and credible web sources.
  4. Include a minimum of two (2) references using the APA style. (Consult APA style published by the University of Canterbury.)

(Please submit the url to a publicly accessible version of your blog post. Ensure that you have made your post public in the editing settings of your preferred blog software (unlisted or draft posts will not be visible to the public). You can test the blog url link before submitting using your browser’s private or incognito mode to ensure that the assessor can access the resources without login credentials. For more information consult incognito browsing published by Lifewire).

Task 4: Assess your learning as a reflective digital online learner

Performance indicators

I can do the following:

  1. Provide evidence of learning through self-evaluation.
  2. Demonstrate reflective learning skills.

Evidence to demonstrate competency

I have provided a learning reflection based on my knowledge and experiences with Digital literacies for online learning that:

  1. Explains the connections between my experience (what I already knew) and what I have learned from Digital literacies for online learning.
  2. Identifies WHAT I have learned, and also HOW I have learned it.
  3. Covers the following aspects in less than 400 words:
    • Description: Provide your reader with comments on specifically what happened during your learning journey.
    • Evaluation: What was “good” and “bad” about the experience?
    • Analysis: What did you learn from it? How do you feel about it now? Did it change you? How?
    • Conclusion: What alternatives did you consider at the time? What else might you have done?
    • Plan: What new knowledge or skills do you now have, and how will this expertise inform your future learning?

Last modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 3:25 PM