• Unit 2: Digital Citizenship (LiDA102)

    Digital Citizenship poster

    In Unit 2 we engage in academic learning as a digital citizen of the internet. This unit will help you develop a positive online identity to support learning on the Internet, commensurate with good practice for privacy, security and interpersonal communications. Digital citizenship (LiDA102) is the second of four micro-courses for the Learning in a Digital Age course.

    Completing this unit should take approximately 30 hours (excluding time to prepare an optional assessment portfolio for formal credit).

    Image credit: One World-One Web by Paul Downey, cc by 2.0.

    • 2.1: Digital Citizenship


      In this subunit we build on the concept of citizenship considering a range of e-literacies and associated rights and responsibilities in a digital world to develop a definition for digital citizenship in the context of learning in a digital age.

    • 2.2: Your Online Identity for Learning

      Digital lock.jpg

      In this subunit we review your existing online identity and begin working on improving your digital identity to support online learning.

    • 2.3: Digital Environments

      Techtree.jpgDigital environments refer to the tools and online spaces we use to interact with each other. With reference to digital citizenship this includes: health and safety, privacy and security and your skills reviewing the terms of service of the online spaces you use.

    • 2.4: Digital Practices in the Workplace

      AI computer science.jpg

      In this subunit, we consider how changes with technology will impact digital practices in the workplace.

    • 2.5: Societal Issues and the Internet

      Abstract crowd.jpg

      In this subunit, we introduce a number of societal issues and problematic online behaviors that have emerged in the digital world. Our list is not comprehensive and does not provide a thorough examination of the issues. Here, we encourage you to choose an issue for further investigation.

      You will choose one societal issue or antisocial behavior associated with the Internet that you would like to investigate further and publish as an editorial in your course blog. You will base your focus on your reading of open access resources you find online. Your blog post will also help you build your online identity.

    • LiDA102 Edubit Assessment

      Assessment Competency: Develop a positive digital online identity in support of learning commensurate with good practice for privacy, security and interpersonal communications.

    • Course Feed for Unit 2 (LiDA102)

      The course feed harvests learner posts from selected Internet sites. You can post to the feed by logging in to the course resource site.