Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus
Unit 1: Interpersonal Communication URL Interpersonal Communication

Read this chapter for an in-depth discussion of interpersonal communication and its functions. Pay close attention to the definition of interpersonal communication in our daily lives. After you read, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.

URL Interpersonal Communication Processes

Read this chapter. You have seen some of these concepts previously, but pay close attention because this chapter reinforces the elements of interpersonal communications and relationship building.

Page Interpersonal Communication Strategies

In this lecture, Larry Fournillier provides examples of how interpersonal communication strategies have allowed him to develop relationships that have improved his business.

Page Stages of Relationship Theory

Watch this lecture on interpersonal communication and the stages of relationship development with examples from our daily lives.

Page Conflict "I and You" Messages

We use language to control or lose control during interpersonal conflict situations. This lecture uses examples from daily life to help us understand conflict resolution.

Unit 2: Listening in Human Communication URL The Importance of Listening

Read this chapter, beginning with the chapter introduction. This chapter discusses the importance of listening as part of human communication transactions. Attempt the exercises at the end of each reading as well as the chapter exercises in section 4.6.

Page 5 Simple Ways to Become a Better Listener

Watch these tips for improving your listening skills. You should try to have genuine interest in the person speaking to you, maintain comfortable eye contact, take notes, and ask questions.

Unit 3: Practicing Interpersonal Communication Skills URL Communication Skills for Personal and Professional Development

Work through the seven challenges presented in this book. Each challenge includes activities for practicing the interpersonal skills discussed in this unit, and they will improve your communication skills and your understanding of interpersonal communication applications.

Unit 4: Interpersonal Communication Applications in Context Page Police Communications Skills

Many professions rely on interpersonal communication and conflict management skills each day. Watch this video to see how they are relevant to the daily interactions of a police officer.

Page Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is a critical element of interpersonal communication. Because our gesture and other non-verbal communication behaviors are often subconscious responses, non-verbal communication reinforces or may conflict with consciously constructed verbal messages. With your greater understanding of the goals of interpersonal communication, review these two companion lectures and watch for examples of nonverbal communication in action.

Unit 5: Interpersonal Communication Theories Page The Symbolic Nature of Culture: Language and Perception

Read this description of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, an interpersonal communication theory.

Course Feedback Survey URL Course Feedback Survey