Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus
1.1: The Golden Rule for Business Etiquette Page Professionalism, Etiquette, and Ethical Behavior

Professional etiquette is centered on others. Our attitudes and behaviors create an impression of who we are and what we represent. The author discusses some behavioral traits successful professionals share. Note the descriptions of social and emotional intelligence. What role does empathy play in interaction with others, and how can you avoid being tone-deaf in emotional situations?

Page Contributing to a Positive Work Atmosphere

This article describes three areas that affect our ability to create a healthy and positive atmosphere in our workplace. The author offers suggestions for getting along with co-workers, reducing workplace violence, and ethical decision-making. The questions at the end will help you see how well you understood the article.

1.2: Etiquette In and Out of the Office Page Workplace Etiquette

Read this article for some specific suggestions about accepted business etiquette at luncheons and company events. Try the practice questions and check your answers. How did you do?

Page Seven Secrets of Business Etiquette

The longer we stay at a job, the more casual we typically become. This article suggests avoiding slang, misspellings, or remarks that may be too casual for business interactions. Read the scenarios. Do you identify with any of these situations? Are the answers helpful to you?

Page Professional Handshakes

Watch this video to learn the importance of the handshake. People from different cultures may interpret a handshake differently. In any business setting, shaking hands is more formal than in situations with friends and family, where you may offer a hug. Try the handshake techniques from the video, and consider the helpful strategies for when you are unable to shake hands with someone.

Page Business Introductions

Watch this video to learn why you should listen to introductions. Pay attention to the name the person uses to introduce themselves. Be sure you get off on the right foot by asking for permission to call a person by a nickname. For example, the video host introduces herself as Kimberly, and while she tolerates being called Kim, she absolutely does not appreciate anyone who calls her Kimmie.

1.3: The Qualities Employers Look For Page Leadership Etiquette

Read this article about the qualities of a great leader. Reflect on how these descriptions apply to aspects of etiquette we have discussed so far, such as courtesy, decency, dignity, and rules.

2.1: Verbal Communication Page Your Responsibilities as a Communicator

Responsible communicators should be prepared and ethical. They also practice the golden rule, which we discussed in Unit 1. Read this article and review the exercises. What do you think about these scenarios?

Page Barriers to Effective Communication

Using clichés, jargon, slang, sexist and racist language, euphemisms, and doublespeak can create misunderstandings and miscommunication. We need to remove these barriers to make sure those who communicate with us can trust us. Read this article for a description of each type of barrier, examples of how they might be used, and suggestions for more effective ways to express yourself.

Page Improving Verbal Communication

This article gives six strategies for improving your verbal communication. For example, if you plan to use a term that may be unfamiliar to your audience, you should define the term or use a different word or phrase. The authors discuss aspects to effective verbal communication, such as audience, tone, checking for understanding, and aiming for results.

2.2: Facial Expressions and Body Language Page Principles of Nonverbal Communication

Read this article for an overview of how your body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal expressions affect others.

2.3: Active Listening Page Listening and Reading for Understanding

Read this article to learn how to become a better listener. The author offers some techniques for active listening and reading, and advice for how to respond in difficult situations.

2.4 Using Technology Page Using Technology to Communicate with Your Customers

Read this article for some tips on how to use technology to enhance your small business.

2.5: Using Email Appropriately Page Email Etiquette

Read this article on how to use email properly in the workplace. Pay attention to the examples of good and bad email writing.

2.6: Speaking on the Phone Page How to Communicate Effectively

Read this article to learn a few strategies for effective conversation. Some employees have the additional challenge of overcoming their tendency to condense their communication with written abbreviations and symbols, which can be useful when texting. This article gives many helpful conversation techniques that you can use to improve your communication skills.

Page Business Etiquette and Phones

Cell phone etiquette is less about convenience and more about courtesy and respect for others. This video gives techniques to help you make a favorable impression, both on the phone and in person.

Page Cell Phone Etiquette

Do you feel like you have to answer every phone call? You are not alone. This article asks five questions about cell phone addiction, discusses cell phone etiquette, and gives advice to avoid several types of cell phone faux pas.

2.7: Using Videoconferencing Page A Guide to Videoconferencing Etiquette

Read this article, which gives six tips to help minimize lost productivity and reduce distractions that result from poor participant etiquette and lack of preparation.

Page 5 Tips for Mastering Video Calls

Do you need to meet face-to-face by video? Perhaps your co-workers or clients would prefer to receive an email, Google Doc, or other asynchronous communication. So many of our schedules are overloaded with meetings and other commitments. In this article, Betsy Church offers five tips to master the art of video calls, including how to respect the time of others.

URL Videoconferencing Etiquette

This infographic offers 10 tips for videoconferencing etiquette.

3.1: Diversity and Cultural Awareness Page Demographic Diversity

Read this section on the benefits and challenges of effective diversity management. You may find the scenarios and strategies presented here to be helpful.

3.2: Intercultural Communication Competence Page Intercultural Communication Competence

Read this chapter to learn why intercultural communication competence can help you in academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts. The section on getting competent gives more information on "thinking under the influence" (TUI). How do the three questions at the end of the article relate to you?

Page Creating a Diverse Workplace

Read this chapter to learn why managers must understand the varying backgrounds of their workforce to optimize collaboration and minimize the friction that can arise from differences. This chapter describes many of the benefits of creating a diverse workforce.

Page How to Integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Your Business

This article addresses the need to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into everyday operations. The author observes a growing racial and ethnic anxiety and a corresponding lack of equity in our nation that calls for cultural transformation. She cites three challenges leaders committed to serving diverse communities face: creating a culture of inclusion, setting clear expectations, and aligning their missions to advance equity. The article also recommends several steps for fostering inclusive leadership.

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