Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus

1.1: Introduction and Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy URL Introduction to Principles of Management

Read the introduction and section 1.1, which introduce the fundamental principles of management and provides an example of a real-world implementation of these managerial concepts. You may also find it useful to consider the exercise questions provided at the end of the reading.

1.2: Who Are Managers? URL Who Are Managers?

Read this section, which includes a discussion of the ten key roles that managers fulfill. It also establishes a framework for understanding the nature of the work that a manager regularly performs. Be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of this reading.

1.3: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy: A Manager's Guide URL Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy

Read this section, which establishes the concept of leadership and makes a clear distinction between a manager and a leader. Review the concepts of leadership and strategy as well as the framework for implementing these concepts cohesively. As you read through the text, pay particular attention to the definitions for leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategy. Be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of this reading.

1.4: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling: The P-O-L-C Framework URL Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

Read this section, which reviews the P-O-L-C (Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling) framework. This framework outlines the four principle functions of management. Be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of the reading.

1.5: Economic, Social, and Environmental Performance for Managers URL Economic, Social, and Environmental Performance

Read this section, which reviews how managers analyze economic, social, and environmental elements to support the effective execution of customer service within an organization. Be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of the reading.

1.6: Understanding the Performance of Individuals and Groups URL Performance of Individuals and Groups

Read this section, which explains how to distinguish between individual- and group-level performances. While there are indeed differences between the two, managers strive to make sure that individual and group-level performances are compatible. It may be helpful for you take notes that compare and contrast the distinctions between individual and group-level performances. Be sure to pay particular attention to the illustrative tables and graphs located throughout this reading. Also be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of the reading.

1.7: Your Principles of Management Survivor's Guide URL Your Principles of Management Survivor's Guide

Read this section, paying particular attention to the concept of a managerial tool guide. This guide seeks to help you understand your own learning style so that you may more fully respond to and manage the learning styles of others. This material also provides you with an opportunity to apply what you have learned in your analysis of the gauge-discover-reflect process of managing, which should help you

  1. identify your knowledge and capabilities about something;
  2. obtain enough information about it so you can establish effective goals and develop a plan to work toward achieving those goals; and
  3. examine the difference between what has happened and what should have happened in a particular situation.

Be sure to complete the exercise questions at the end of this reading.

URL What's Your Learning Style?

Read this article and consider the following questions: Why is it important to understand your learning style? Why does a manager need to be aware of an employee's learning style? What is your learning style preference? How can this information help you become a more effective learner?

1.8: Management Principles throughout the Ages URL History of Management

Read this article and consider the following questions: How is today's work environment different from that of the past? How did the division of labor theory change an organization's productivity? Do companies in the modern business world still embrace the classical approach, the qualitative approach, and the organizational behavior approach? If so, how?

1.9: A Final Thought: An Alternative Perspective on What Management Is URL What Is Management?

Read this article and consider the following questions: What does management mean to you? What are some key functions of managers? Does your current manager, or a manager you are familiar with, effectively perform these key management functions? If not, why? What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

2.1: An Introduction to What Managers Do: The Four Functions URL Managing for Business Success

Read the introduction and section 6.1, which discuss the four functions of management and describes how they work together to provide a template from which managers draw in order to properly execute their workplace tasks.

2.2: What Is the Management Planning Function? URL Planning

Read this section, which introduces the process that an organization uses to create and implement strategic, tactical, and operational plans. Managers use these plans to provide a roadmap from which a company's business develops. Pay careful attention to the discussion of how to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, as well as the discussion on mission statements and establishing goals and objectives. Also be sure to review the text's treatment of contingency planning, a process that requires managers to identify an alternative route toward achieving a goal or objective. Finally, be sure to work through the exercises at the end of the reading.

2.3: How to Organize People, Equipment, and Money URL Organizing

Read this section and focus on the discussion of the top, middle, and first-line levels of management, which will provide you with a better understanding of the various ways to organize a business and its correlating activities. The organizational charts in this reading provide an excellent backdrop for you to better understand the flow, coordination, and reporting relationships of the managerial model. Be sure to review this section's discussion of the authority of managers and the concept of delegation.

2.4: Managers Have To Possess Great Directing Skills URL Directing

Read this section and closely examine the foundational elements associated with leadership. This reading will further develop your understanding of what managers do to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This section also emphasizes how you can identify your own leadership style. Note that leading is sometimes referred to as directing. Keep this alternative term in mind as you progress through this course.

URL What Is the Difference between Management and Leadership?

Read this article and consider the following questions: What is a manager? What is a leader? How do a manager's approach and a leader's approach set each role apart? Why does an organization need both managers and leaders? What would happen if an organization had only managers or leaders, but not both?

2.5: Effectively Controlling the Environment Is a Management Essential URL Controlling

Read this section, which takes a close look at the five-step control process that is necessary for keeping a plan on target. After completing this reading, work through the exercise at the end of the section.

2.6: Managers Need a Variety of Skills to Be Successful URL Managerial Skills

Read this section, which examines the core skills that are essential to a manager's success. This reading also explores the process of solving problems in a business environment. An effective manager will face a variety of problems that require a decision. Some of a manager's decisions will be more successful than others, but the steps outlined in this process will help you minimize the possibility of a bad decision. Be sure to complete the exercises at the end of the reading.

URL Management Skills and Styles Assessment

Read this article and think about your own management style. Has your company used any of the assessments discussed in this essay? If so, have you taken any of these assessments? Have you ever been responsible for evaluating the assessment of another worker? Do you feel that these assessments are accurate measures of an individual's management skills and capabilities? Why or why not?

2.7: The Role of Tomorrow's Leaders URL The Role of Tomorrow's Leaders

Read this article and consider the following questions: What shifts in the modern business world have caused leadership roles to change? Can a focus on leading globally, building partnerships, being innovative, and collaborating enable leaders to be more effective? If so, how? As a leader, do you currently practice these four essential roles? Why or why not?

2.8: Developing Influencing Skills URL Influencing Skills

Read this article and think about your own influencing skills. Consider the different types of approaches you may use to suit a particular situation or individual. Do you generally employ a push or a pull strategy? Are you flexible enough to vary your style, as needed?

URL The Influencing Skills of President Obama

Read this article and consider the different techniques you use when you make a presentation or speech. As you prepare your presentations, do you consider the styles of other speakers? Which styles do you feel most suit your personality? After reading this essay, what steps will you take, if any, to revise your speaking style and employ different strategies when preparing your presentations?

Unit 3: The Personal Side of Management URL Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors

Read the introduction and section 2.1, which examine how the SAS Institute treats its employees and how this policy has affected the company. Being an effective manager requires more than just understanding concepts and principles. Managers have to be able to express a personal, softer side in order to achieve trust, commitment, and buy-in from those they manage. Basically, you have to show your human capital (your employees) that you care about them as people.

3.1: Identifying Your Personality and Values URL Personality and Values

Read this section, which examines the dynamics of personality traits and will help you to develop an understanding of how they impact workplace behaviors. In order for a manager to properly implement the P-O-L-C framework, s/he must be able to provide value within her/his own task executions, set the pace and tone to be followed in the workplace, and build relationships that support the greatest return on investment for both the employer and the employee. 

3.2: Behavior = Values + Perception URL Perception

Read this section, which will help you develop an understanding of the personal biases that you use in order to support how you go about making decisions for yourself and others. Be sure to carefully consider the bridge between your personal biases and your personality, and how the combination of this information can be used to make you a better manager.

3.3: Workplace Attitudes and Job Satisfaction URL Work Attitudes

Read this section, which describes how managers shape opinions, beliefs, and feelings regarding the workplace environment. Pay particular attention to the factors contributing to job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

3.4: KSAO (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Other Characteristics) vs. Fit URL The Interactionist Perspective: The Role of Fit

Read this section, which discusses the concept of workplace "fit". In today's business world, it is not enough to have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to execute the role and functions of a particular job - many organizations are relying more on fit. Fit refers to whether or not you have the personality and character dynamics to successfully integrate into the organization. In this section of the reading, you will explore how to identify several fit dynamics, such as person-job-position fit, person-organization fit, and more. You will also develop an understanding of how fit dynamics connect to and integrate with work behaviors. 

3.5: Influencing Workplace Behaviors URL Work Behaviors

Read this section, which examines the factors that have the strongest influence over workplace behaviors. In understanding these factors, a manager should be able to develop programs and a workplace environment that supports improved dynamics between the employer and the employees. Ultimately, knowing these patterns can help increase productivity within the workplace. 

3.6: Developing Your Positive Attitude Skills URL Developing Your Positive Attitude Skills

Read this section, which provides a guideline for cultivating and conveying a positive attitude in the workplace. Positive attitudes are contagious and will greatly affect productivity in your work environment.

3.7: Workplace Personality Tests URL The Big Five Personality Test

Read this article and think about what, if any, personality tests are conducted by your organization. Have you taken a personality test, or given one to others? Do you believe that the five personality traits discussed in this reading accurately portray human beings? Why or why not? As society advances and new technologies impact our lives, will our personalities adapt and change? What about the possibility of individuals displaying different personalities based on their form of interaction? For example, will introverts feel more comfortable expressing themselves in an online environment? What other personality characteristics will be impacted by the use of technology.

URL Subunit 3.7 Discussion

Reflect on the Big Five Personality Test that you have just explored. What type of personality do you believe defines your individual preferences? Do you feel that your personality style has changed over time based on your experiences? Share your thoughts on these questions in the discussion forum by clicking the link above and creating a free account (if you have not already done so). Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to connect with your peers and to receive meaningful feedback of your own.

Course Feedback Survey URL Course Feedback Survey