Topic Name Description
Course Introduction Page Course Syllabus
1.1: What is Business English? Page Introduction to Writing in Business
As with most professions, business executives are busy, under pressure to take quick action, and often must make decisions with incomplete data. They value concise, well-written, and meaningful information. Business writing consists of many different types, all of which require a specific tone and organizational structure. Read the following article to learn about the different parts of business writing.

1.2: Direct vs. Indirect Communication Page Writing in the Disciplines
A discipline is a field of study. Academic study and college departments are often organized around a single discipline, such as business, political science, biology, or nursing. This article gives an overview of several critical forms of writing that you will need to master in your academic and professional career.

Page Writing for College Business Courses

Everything you need to keep in mind when you write a paper for a college-level class will help you learn how to write well for business. You will need to understand your topic thoroughly, know your audience, and articulate your ideas clearly and powerfully as you write in the business world. Watch these videos for an example of the kind of writing you will be asked to do in college business courses and in the business world.

Page Miscommunication

Review this article to learn about the common barriers to communication, then reflect on how miscommunication happens and how to avoid it.

Page Avoiding Slang and Jargon

When writing business documents, only use jargon when necessary with appropriate audiences, and completely avoid slang words. This article will teach you how to differentiate between jargon and slang.

2.1: Concision Page Concise Writing

This article will teach you strategies to improve concision in writing, like using straightforward sentence structure.

Page Memos

A memorandum, often referred to as a memo, is a common document used in business writing. These documents address a recipient at the top, have a clear subject focus, and get right to the main idea so that the reader can understand the message quickly and easily. Memos require concise writing and clear ideas. Review this article on memos to see how concise writing is important for these documents and tips for effective business memos.

2.2: Informative Messages Page Informative Business Messages

Most business communications are in fact "informative" messages. This article will help you Identify the appropriate use of informative business messages.

2.3: Etiquette When Corresponding in Business Page Correspondence Etiquette

The way that you represent yourself in writing carries significant weight. This article outlines the guidelines for communicating through text messages, emails, memos, and letters.

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