Intermediate Equipment Handbook
Intech Associates
This Part of the Handbook has been prepared to assist contractors and road
authority personnel to select, specify and procure intermediate equipment for
road works and other related activities in emerging and developing countries.
The need for such guidelines has been prompted by the widespread occurrence
of inappropriate (in type and specification) equipment in contractor’s and road
authority equipment fleets, or inadequate operational/support arrangements for
the procured equipment.
Contractors often do not have the experience or information immediately
available to enable them to make sensible decisions regarding equipment
procurement. It is intended that this section will prompt inquiries, analysis and
assessments which will help the contractor to make the appropriate final decision
regarding any equipment procurement.
Equipment procurement systems are established for many road authorities and
international agencies, however these systems are often not designed for the
procurement of small quantities of intermediate equipment, which may be
fabricated or assembled in developing countries. Furthermore the personnel
procuring the equipment are often not fully aware of the exact needs of the user,
the mechanical support available, the equipment management arrangements or
the competence of the personnel involved with the direction, operation and
mechanical support of the equipment. These guidelines are intended to try to
improve awareness regarding the varied and specific needs of the process, to
encourage substantial improvements.
The guidelines are presented in the form of a checklist of questions which should
be asked as part of the management process of selecting, specifying and
procuring equipment. Commentary is provided where appropriate.
October 2012