Pic 1. The Improved Clay
Pic 2. The Clay Refrigerator.
Pic 3. The Kisra Clay
As part of the Practical Action technical enquiries
service, known as Practical Answers, we wish to give
knowledge and information to the people that need
it most and the organisations and institutions that
support them. With that in mind the purpose of this
manual is to give step by step instructions on how to
manufacture five technologies made from clay. Most
of these technologies have been specifically promoted
by Practical Action, although the Zeer cooling pot
is a ubiquitous site in Sudan that dates back many
centuries. This manual is ideal for an established
potteries association or for one that is planned for the
future. The five technologies explained in this manual
are shown in pictures 1- 5.
It is suggested that for new pottery associations this
step by step guide with photos is used alongside a
professional trainer with the guide acting as a useful
resource to the participants once the training has
been completed. However, for a well established
Pic 4. The Mubkhar Stove.
Pic 5. The Zeer Water
earthenware manufacturing association it is hoped
that the guide itself will be enough for the association
members to produce the technologies.
In compiling this booklet we worked with both the Al
Fashir Women s Pottery Association and a number of
Men s Pottery Associations in Gemayer, Omdurman.
The guide starts by explaining a couple of clay quality
tests and preparation methods before detailing each
technology. This detail includes a brief background
on the origins and purpose of the technology followed
by a step by step guide on how to make it. Finally,
the technical drawings are given as guidance for
size although it should be remembered that these
technologies can vary greatly in size depending on
their need. For any questions or support please refer
to the Practical Answers contact list at the back of this
booklet. A copy of this booklet will be made available
in Arabic.